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Controller Question:


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Well, I have been able to set up my controller via the ingame controller setup screen, but I run into some issues while playing and trying to work the ingame menus. Before I start, I have two controllers I have tried to configure: Nyko AirFlo EX and a Game Elements Recoil controller. I can either of them to the point of being able to play games fairly well, with almost unnoticeable side affects (occasionally I can't get something to work, IE: quick through modifier, climbing walls.) But the real issues come in the navigation menus. For some reason one of my right trigger buttons and my start buttons act as the same. Also I can not navigate between my major league team and minor league teams in Franchise mode. I understand that this could be just a glitch in the game, but a buddy of mine doesn't have the issues that I have, but he is using a Xbox 360 controller (which I do not have). I have also tried XPadder, which has helped me around similar issues, but in this particular game it doesn't seem to help, instead it picks up everything I binded in Xpadder, as well as the default keys set to the controller by the game (which still causes problems.) Does anyone have any ideas, or suggestions to help me gain full control of this game without using the keyboard? Thank you in advance.

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