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Stadium Select Screen


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Hi there: well, can not download anything yet but fortunately can post topics. So if somebody give me some advice. I have a stadium image and I would like to include it in the Stadium Select Screen by replacing an old one. I have adapted size and bits of the image and I have tried with EAGraph, gfxpak, etc. but no success, I have checked the image is included in the stadiums.big file in the right place with the right name, but when I go to Stadium Select Screen and reach the stadium image I replaced to select, it gets dark and then the game crashes. Can anybody give me a hint on this??? thanks in advance and best regards

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That´s it, it means that the image, be .bmp, .jpg or .png shall be compressed first with eazip before making the corresponding .fsh to the stadium and then replace it in stadiums.big????, something similar to the .txt in the datafile.big???

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That´s it, it means that the image, be .bmp, .jpg or .png shall be compressed first with eazip before making the corresponding .fsh to the stadium and then replace it in stadiums.big????, something similar to the .txt in the datafile.big???


But please do this first before you go on. If there is any chance you saved the original stadium select screen for that park, put that back in temporarily. Then start the game up again to see if it loads ok, which it should. Save the stadiums.big and then import the new stadium image you want in there, making sure it is compressed of course. Try to get back in the game. If you have no problems, then you are good to go. If you do, then you still have a backup of the stadiums.big that did not crash.

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Hi yankee4life: So I tried hard again with the stadium select screen and nothing good, even I tried with Bigui program but no success. I think maybe is the images that I am trying to include which are too big and I do not know the right size for including in the stadiums.big, cause I checked compression and it was OK, but I suspect there is something more rather complex with this stadiums.big. For the moment I giveup unless somebody comes with a new tip, thanks anyway!!

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Hi yankee4life: So I tried hard again with the stadium select screen and nothing good, even I tried with Bigui program but no success. I think maybe is the images that I am trying to include which are too big and I do not know the right size for including in the stadiums.big, cause I checked compression and it was OK, but I suspect there is something more rather complex with this stadiums.big. For the moment I giveup unless somebody comes with a new tip, thanks anyway!!

I think you are on the right track though. The image that you want to put in must be the same image size (height and width) of the image you want to replace.

What I am not sure of is the correct size of the images for the stadium select screens. I've never replaced one myself. Maybe someone else would know the answer to that.

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Here is how to create a new stadium select screen:

The tools I use are EAGraph, nfshtool, Irfanview (for editing graphics files) and a text editor.

1. Using EAGraph, extract the .fsh file you want to change from

stadiums.big. An example would be chc.fsh (Wrigley Field day)

2. Right click on the chc.fsh file and select "Open with" and then select

nfshtool. If nfshtool is not shown as an option, click on "Choose

program..." and then find nfshtool.

3. When nfshtool runs, it will create a chc folder. Inside the chc

folder you will find two files, 0000.bmp and index.fsh. Open up index.fsh

with a text editor and you will see the following two lines in it:

chc%20 0000.BMP

BMP 78 +2 1024 256 {0 0 0 0}

Notice the "1024 256" on the second line. This indicates that the image

file (0000.BMP) must have a size of 1024 x 256 pixels.

4. Take the picture you want to use (.jpg, .bmp), open it with your favorite editor (I use Irfanview) and resize it to 1024 x 256 pixels. The bigger the picture you have to start with, the better it looks when you resize it to 1024 x 256. If the picture you start with is too small, it looks distorted and blurry when you resize it. It's also better if you can find a picture that's somewhat rectangular to start with.

5. Save the file as chc \ 0000.bmp. This will overwrite the 000.bmp file

in the chc folder.

6. Go back to the chc folder. Right click on the index.fsh file and

select "Open with nfshtool". This will rebuild the 03be.fsh file (using

the new picture you just added) and put it in the folder above the chc

folder (i.e. where you extracted chc.fsh in the first place).

7. Import chc.fsh into the stadiums.big file using the Import tool in EAGraph. You can get to this by clicking on Tools -> Import Wizard, checking the "Add files to an external TAR archive" and then selecting the Next button.

8. In the right window, click "Add", find your chc.fsh file, select it, click "Open" and then "Next". Your new stadium select screen will be added.

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Yes, there is something tricky up there, for instance, you explore the views of A, AA and AAA stadiums .fsh in the stadiums.big with EAGraphs. It shows these are 512x512x16 RGB 120, but when you extract it from the file with the same EAGraph or NFSHTool you can have 8 or 24 bit with same longxwidth. For the rest of the stadiums it shows 1024x256x16 RGB 120 and the same as before. So keeping LxW I tried several variants with No. Bits and it surely give different KB for image size, but never succeded to find the target, even when all were correctly compressed as I checked through Bigui. Big mistery!!!!

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Thanks a lot Jim825!!!, I posted my last message without reading your explanation, our postings crossover. I realized now I was rather lost, so thanks again!!!!

PS: BTW still not capable of downloading anything from MVPMODS and no sign of Trues, he should be really messed up with something and I hope he can solved it, so just patient, best regards for all!!!!!

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Hi Jim825: I made my changes to Stadium Select Screen last night following your procedure and it was perfect!!, so I have learn a new thing for customizing my game, thanks a lot and best regards!!!.

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