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Just A Few Things I Want To Say....


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Alright guys i've been here for awhile and while i love this site theres a few things that have been bothering me. Nothing to do with the site its self but with some of the people on here. Here is some of the things im talking about.

1) STOP constently asking moders when a mod will be done. They will be done when there done. Modders, just like the rest of u have familys, jobs, school, and a life to live. If u have never made a mod, u dont know how much time and energy go in to these things, and if u dont think so, try it your self, and you will see. Its not as easy as it looks.

2) When a modder dose post something dont be rude and tell them that this and that are wrong. If you do dont be rude about it, tell them in a way that can help them out, or if u think u can do better, THEN DO IT! You can not say anything unless u have tryed it. While some are helpful, others are just rude Also if u dont like it, dont download it. Nobody cares if 1 or 2 people dont download there mods. Most people here mod because its fun and they like it. They give there time so YOU can have a mod.

3) Try moding yourself, if u need help anyone around here will help you. The people here are some of the most helpful people there is and will usally help you. If you cant do it, then put it in to the mod request. But dont think that because u put it there it will get done. Modders will read them, and sometimes start them, but sometimes dont want to do it or dont have the time, like i said we still have a life just like you ;) . So if your mod doesn't get done then try it your self, who knows u may make a great mod.

4) DO NOT SPAM IN THE PM OR ON THE FORUM OR ANYWHERE. Nobody likes it and its getting annoying.

Sorry u had to sit here and read my rant. Just had to get a few things off my chest. I do love this site and coome every day but like i said, somethings get annoying.


P.S. if i forgot anything or theres something that is bothering anyone fell free to add.

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Well I have to disagree a bit with number 2. I think it's ok for people to tell the modders that there are problems with the mod, as long as they aren't complaining or being rude.

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Well I have to disagree a bit with number 2. I think it's ok for people to tell the modders that there are problems with the mod, as long as they aren't complaining or being rude.

thats what i ment sry i didn't put that in. i may edit it

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2) When a modder dose post something dont tell them that this and that a wrong. If u think u can do better, THEN DO IT! You can not say anything unless u have tryed it. Also if u dont like it, dont download it. Nobody cares if 1 or 2 people dont download there mods. Most people here mod because its fun and they like it. They give there time so YOU can have a mod. Just say thank you or nothing at all.

While I see what you're saying, I think there should be a fair chance for constructive critisizm (i was going to edit this wrong spelling, but I quite like it with a z). As long as its done in the proper way of course. But I dont think it would be a very healthy way to work things to just tell people to say nothing bad at all.

This is another thing you could add to this list actually. Some folks need to have thicker skin, and be able to take people doing what I described above.

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While I see what you're saying, I think there should be a fair chance for constructive critisizm (i was going to edit this wrong spelling, but I quite like it with a z). As long as its done in the proper way of course. But I dont think it would be a very healthy way to work things to just tell people to say nothing bad at all.

This is another thing you could add to this list actually. Some folks need to have thicker skin, and be able to take people doing what I described above.

i changed it, i ment dont be rude about it. i ment to say that when i wrote it. sry i didn't put it in the beginnig

made a few changes to it. just was kind of going off and then i read it and somethings needed to be changed. sry for that

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Good post roy. All these suggestions are under the category of common sense. This is something that we all should do without thinking about it.

And philthepat, I see what you are saying too. Criticism towards a mod does not always mean it's a bad thing. Let's pretend that rroy releases an updated uniform for the '27 Yankees for Mvp 05. But by mistake he puts the "NY" on the front of the jerseys. In 1927 the Yankees did not have the NY on the front of the jersey. Honest mistake and I point it out to him. But if I say to him "roy what the hell is wrong with you putting the NY on the jerseys for the '27 Yankees? What the *(&(*) is up with that? )*$&*( this man!"

Ok, maybe I exaggerated with that example a little bit but I think you see what I mean. :lol:

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Good post roy. All these suggestions are under the category of common sense. This is something that we all should do without thinking about it.

And philthepat, I see what you are saying too. Criticism towards a mod does not always mean it's a bad thing. Let's pretend that rroy releases an updated uniform for the '27 Yankees for Mvp 05. But by mistake he puts the "NY" on the front of the jerseys. In 1927 the Yankees did not have the NY on the front of the jersey. Honest mistake and I point it out to him. But if I say to him "roy what the hell is wrong with you putting the NY on the jerseys for the '27 Yankees? What the *(&(*) is up with that? )*$&*( this man!"

Ok, maybe I exaggerated with that example a little bit but I think you see what I mean. :lol:

thats what i ment and it am glad u see that. i didn't mean not at all, it is sometimes helpful, but sometimes it is just rude to the people. its ok if someone pointed it out to me. but what u said is what i was talking about

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Ok, maybe I exaggerated with that example a little bit but I think you see what I mean. :lol:

Yeah I get where you're coming from!

The '27 yankees would have some serious fun in this new jetstream of a stadium... :lol:

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The '27 yankees would have some serious fun in this new jetstream of a stadium... :lol:

They'd have 20 runs a game.

Just wondering...the Yankees know the ball travels there very well. I wonder if they regret signing Manny now?

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