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Tc 1988 Installation Problem


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I'm a veteran of MVP 2005 and Mods in general......however, the error i'm getting while using the TC1988 Installer has me perplexed:

C\Program Files\EA SPORTS\Total Classics 1988\data\databases\not found

I did create a seperate folder named Total Classics 1988 within the EA SPORTS folder in Program Files.

Any assistance will be greatly appreciated. :good:

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Let me look into this since I created the TC1988 installer for tebjr. In the meantime, you can still install the mod by manually copying the files to the proper locations. The installation instructions provide the details on how to do this.

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Now i'm getting the following error:

C\Program Files\EA SPORTS\Total Classics 1988\data\databases\schedule.big not found


Odd error to get. One question: Where did you download this game from?

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That's good to hear. I just checked the installer source code and it does have "data\database" as the folder to install the roster files, so I'm not sure why you saw the error message with "data\databases"

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Well I figured out I did a VERY stupid thing, I moved the TC1988 Installer out of the folder, and on to the desktop for easy access, not realizing it's like moving a file out of a folder when designing a web page, and then wondering why the page doesn't appear correctly. :D

Anywhos, i'm obviously extremely rusty since playing the MVP 2006 Mod, i'm currently searching the forums trying to figure out how to launch TC 1988, and not MVP 2005.

I'm getting older, and dumber by the day, lol.

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  • 6 months later...

I have no experience with TC mods, and no experience with MVP mods so forgive my ignorance.

I've been having a problem which is similar to the one above.

I tried installing TC88 over a vanilla install of MVP 05. Long story short, it converted everything but rosters/stats/and stadiums to TC88.

The menus, music, team logo's ect had survived the install but the others did not.

Here's the long story:

Had a vanilla install of MVP05(legit copy btw), patched it with official patch #5. Checked it to see if it was working. It was.

Used TC88 installer to extract files to C:\program files\ea sports\MVP BaseBall 2005, received a diagnostic message outlining files that had not successfully been installed. Then i Autoran TC88; GUI, music, team logo's are as of tc88. HOWEVER, rosters stats and stadiums are as of 2005.

running a Vista OS

2 questions: what did I do wrong?

Where did the roster/stat/stadium files that were extracted by the TC88 installer go?

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Did you read the detailed installation instructions that were included with the mod to make sure you extracted everything properly and then ran the installer correctly?

If you did read them and you are having problems, have you tried installing the files manually (i.e. copying them to the proper folders)? When I wrote the instructions, I listed exactly where to copy the files.

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thanks for the quick reply Jim,

I tired but i did not.

I've seen the file you speak of(installation instructions).I opened it up in notepad but couldn't really read anything. The file is hundreds upon hundreds of line of unintelligible text.

Should I try re-downloading the mod? Will that allow me to view these instructions as intended?

EDIT: I just double checked, Here's a small sample from TC1988_installation_instructions, the 1st 3 lines:

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\uc1\deff0\stshfdbch0\stshfloch0\stshfhich0\stshfbi0\deflang1033\deflangfe1033{\fonttbl{\f0\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02020603050405020304}Times New Roman;}

{\f2\fmodern\fcharset0\fprq1{\*\panose 02070309020205020404}Courier New;}{\f3\froman\fcharset2\fprq2{\*\panose

and it goes on and on.

Near the bottom of the page, it says something about read-only files. Is that something that has to do with the install? Do i have to change these read only files before the installer overwrites them?

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thanks for the quick reply Jim,

I tired but i did not.

I've seen the file you speak of(installation instructions).I opened it up in notepad but couldn't really read anything. The file is hundreds upon hundreds of line of unintelligible text.

Should I try re-downloading the mod? Will that allow me to view these instructions as intended?

The file you tried to open is a Microsoft Word document. You cannot open it in Notepad. You must open it in Microsoft Word or find some sort of online utility to convert it to another format.

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The file you tried to open is a Microsoft Word document. You cannot open it in Notepad. You must open it in Microsoft Word or find some sort of online utility to convert it to another format.

simple enough, thanks for the tip. I'll put up a post when i get it working.

EDIT: got it up and running now. Thanks Alot, the installation instructions couldn't have been any clearer.

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