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do MVP 2005 overlays work with MVP 2004?

Very good question. To be 100% certain, I don't know.

But there is one way to find out. Back up these two files in the data\frontend directory of your Mvp 2004 game:



Rename them to igonly.big.bak and ingame.big.bak

After you do that you can try to install an overlay from Mvp 05. If it crashes, that means it didn't work and then replace the two files you backed up to get the game running again. If it does work, then you can either delete those two BAK files or save them for a backup.

Come back in here and let us know if this works.

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Ok ziyius, if Trues says they don't work, disregard my post. I said I wasn't 100% sure, but Trues would be. He has made a lot of overlays for Mvp 04 and 05. Check right here for a list of overlays you can use for Mvp 04 that are in our download area.

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