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Hoping For A Little Help...thanks Guys!


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I have tried again to start a franchise with 2K, so far I am enjoying a lot more. So here is my dilemma, I am trying to install the sunglasses mod and the baseball that Trues had uploaded. However, they are both global.iff files. How do I get them installed using the mlb-thingy from Kraw. I have read the directions profusely and still come up short. Any help you offer would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much!! I know it's frustrating having to probably answer these questions an immense amount of times, I did search for this but did not find the solution....


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It was completely my mistake...I needed the black umpire shirt mod in mlb-thingy format. In my global.iff I have the sunglasses and cather gear and bats that I do not want to lose. I have tried contacting justinmorneau about extracting the file he had modded in order to do that. He was unsure if he could do it or not, so if your able to that would be amazing and completely appreciated!! Thanks either way!

This is the file I am hoping to get for mlb-thingy....


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