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I joined the community this morning, and installed the mods! Fantastic! It is like a brand new game...best hockey I have played on the PC, in a long, long time.

Installed the CBC Hockey Night In Canada Into Video, and even that adds to the overall, "television feel"! Great stuff!

This looks like it has a lot of potential for PC IP2IP as well. I know Flyermania and crew really promoted this game for a long while and had connections to some great mods. You're making me want to take another hard look at this and re-install, dammit!! :)

Guys... if you register at the Flyermania forums... you have to wait 12-24 hours for your posting rights validated by the admin... this is annoying but we had a spam account problem in the past...!! You can read and download stuff as much as you want though... it won't affect that at all...posting rights arrive within 12-24 hours to your email account...!!

Would love to have as many of you as possible... I've always admired this community, we share a lot similarities... and as I said... MVP 2005 + mods single handedly made me a baseball fan...!! This is a game that will make you a hockey fan (if you already aren't).

Any tech problems.. just ask in the FM forum... we'll always help...!!

So welcome to all...!!

@daflyboys: I think I remember you... I think you were already around back in NHL 2001 days...!!

Edited by apocalypse

apocalypse....you have a better memory than me! heh Randy's been trying to get me back on this for years. I became a 2K junkie, so what can I say. The main thing I didn't like about this game was the lack of puck looseness and the constant lazer shots and overshooting by the cpu. Are you saying that your mods toned this down? I could never figure out the editor enough to try to correct that.

apocalypse....you have a better memory than me! heh Randy's been trying to get me back on this for years. I became a 2K junkie, so what can I say. The main thing I didn't like about this game was the lack of puck looseness and the constant lazer shots and overshooting by the cpu. Are you saying that your mods toned this down? I could never figure out the editor enough to try to correct that.

Outrageous, unrealistic puck control is a major issue in all hockey games. We have put global puck control to 50 (minimum) globally... which has helped somewhat.

And I can guarantee you... we have toned down the AI shooting. Increasing the global shoot/pass attribute was the key here. So yes... that problem has definitely been fixed. Of course it requires you to master shot blocking a little... but those exaggerated differences are ancient history...!!

One main thing that is different in my AI tuning philosophy is the game speed... most people play hockey in totally unrealistic speed. The default sliders are laughable... that looks like an ants' nest. I use gamespeed 0 which (along with roster tweaks) creates a realistic, broadcast like game flow (check the vid clip from the first post). Slower speed also enables you to block shots more effectively.

Some people say that when you use 6 min periods + real time penalties your period total length is around 10 min, and the gamespeed should be related to that. I completely disagree. I understand that there is a compromise you have to make... but I want it the other way... I want the games to LOOK like real hockey and FEEL like real hockey... not EA Aracde Hitz Mayhem...!!

You'll like it...!!

Edited by apocalypse

You had me at "hello" :) I think I already knew your answer. I haven't look at it extensively, but have you UL'd or posted a complete slider and settings set somewhere??

Everything is in the sticky. Well... everything but the kitchen sink (as you Americans put it). :D

Guys... if you register at the Flyermania forums... you have to wait 12-24 hours for your posting rights validated by the admin... this is annoying but we had a spam account problem in the past...!! You can read and download stuff as much as you want though... it won't affect that at all...posting rights arrive within 12-24 hours to your email account...!!

Apocallypse, thanks for giving us the heads up on this great game and the mods you have for this. I bet you are going to get a lot more members on your site after the guys on here come over there to check out your site. Best of luck to you. I'll be joining too but I have to make sure I have NHL 2004 first.

I got a question about the posting rights rule that you have there. I see that you have to wait 12-24 hours to post, and I don't see a problem with the reason for it at all. We have the same problem here with spammers. We have one jerk who comes in here every so often with the prescription pills and another one who has porn sites.

Now here's my question. How is this really useful? Again, I see the reason. But if a spammer joins, why can't he lay low for those 12-24 hours and then as soon as he is able to post, then post his spam? Isn't this just delaying what the person behind this account is going to do?

I am also going to let our site owner know about this because if this is effective, maybe we should do it here.

Thank you again for letting everyone know of the advancements in NHL 04.

Is there anyway to update the PBP names from say nhl 2009 to 2004.

Playing without announcer calling player names decreases the fun and realism of the game.

Otherwise great job.


Hi George...

yes of course. We have all PBP ripped from NHL 07 and we're ripping the PBP from 09 as we speak.

Ovechkin, Crosby, Malkin and about 400 extra pbp names (compared to the initial game) all are there... check the installation sticky... everything is there...!!

Apocallypse, thanks for giving us the heads up on this great game and the mods you have for this. I bet you are going to get a lot more members on your site after the guys on here come over there to check out your site. Best of luck to you. I'll be joining too but I have to make sure I have NHL 2004 first.

You're most welcome.

I was thinking long and hard about "advertising" the game here... but as I said both communities (NHL 2004 and MVP 2005) are very similar... we're passionate about the sports and an older game title (which we still consider superior). So I thought why not.

Plus you guys have experience installing mods, so I doubt there will be much technical problems.

I got a question about the posting rights rule that you have there. I see that you have to wait 12-24 hours to post, and I don't see a problem with the reason for it at all. We have the same problem here with spammers. We have one jerk who comes in here every so often with the prescription pills and another one who has porn sites.

Now here's my question. How is this really useful? Again, I see the reason. But if a spammer joins, why can't he lay low for those 12-24 hours and then as soon as he is able to post, then post his spam? Isn't this just delaying what the person behind this account is going to do?

I am also going to let our site owner know about this because if this is effective, maybe we should do it here.

I can't answer this accurately as I'm not a site admin. I don't know much about technical parts of the forum. But I guess some of those spammers are simply bots... not real people... so maybe the bot can't "execute" properly when there's a delay in getting the posting rights. I have no idea... just a wild guess.

JR, cmon, you've never played a hockey game? Man, you better take the hawks. ;)

lol, never have.  I hate to admit it, but I wouldn't even know the more detailed rules.  Hit puck, puck go in goal, get point.  But anyway, I may have to give it a shot, this looks like a kick a@@ game.   B)


Apocalypse is dead on with this one. I am a HUGE hoockey fan and the ONLY game worth playing with any kind of realism along with pure fun is NHL04 with all the mods included that he has posted for you guy's. I am currently playing a dynasty as we speak. More than playing MVP05. If your a hockey fan, it is a MUST to visit flyermania for evrything you need to make the ultimate hockey game. Flyermania has done what the great modders here have done for MVP05. DO IT !!!!

Apocalypse is dead on with this one. I am a HUGE hoockey fan and the ONLY game worth playing with any kind of realism along with pure fun is NHL04 with all the mods included that he has posted for you guy's. I am currently playing a dynasty as we speak. More than playing MVP05. If your a hockey fan, it is a MUST to visit flyermania for evrything you need to make the ultimate hockey game. Flyermania has done what the great modders here have done for MVP05. DO IT !!!!

Another very good thing about both of these old games is that they run even with lower end system. Now I have a modern PC but I used to play both MVP2005 and NHL 2004 on my Celeron 1.3MHz machine with respectable details.

If you have (even remotely) modern machine you can play NHL 2004 in highest resolution and detail with ease...!!

PS: I just got MLB 2k9 for PC... I doubt it can never replace MVP 2005 for me... but I was curious to see it... and I realized that I definitely need a new video card...!! :D

Edited by apocalypse

We created an "official" welcome thread to all MVP guys here. :D

Thanks to everyone... the response that I got here was amazing... I never thought there could so many hockey fans among you...!!

Thanks again...!!

Edited by apocalypse

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