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Pc Crash!


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I don't know why but i am getting a crash every day playing..Playing baseball and pitching your *** off to get out of a jam "Then Crash" is enough to make me a killer! :diablo:

Is anyone getting this crash to desktop?

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ive had this problem and then the patch fixed it..and then the problem started again after a while, updating graphics card drivers didnt help so i actually downgraded it which fixed the problem..again, for a while and the problem started up again :S

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I get no crash anymore. I think it was rosterIFF edit the thing that lets you edit pitch types.

I got rid of it and my crashing stopped.

The outfield bug is just the computer trying to make you miss the ball so it can win!

There is a lot of stuff it does to cheat you and beat you.

Sounds funny but true!

I'll bet anyone anything i am right!

This game is rigged!

2K's little joke.

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