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Mvpmods Subscriptions


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With the lack of consistent donations and subpar ad revenue, I'm sorry to report to everyone that we are in jeopardy of losing this site. I have had no problem in the past making up the difference (out of pocket), but my financial situation has changed and I can no longer make that commitment each month. While this is not an easy decision for me, I really don't see another option at this point.

Starting immediately, new and regular members (only) will be limited to (2) downloads per day or they can choose one of the following paid subscriptions in order to gain full access (no restrictions) to the downloads section (among other features). Please note: this is NOT a charge for individual files but an overall charge to cover the cost of bandwidth and space required to host these files.

If you are a modder, you'll automatically receive a lifetime subscription. If you are a current contributor, you will also receive a lifetime subscription and upgraded to the new "contributors +" group.

Once the server costs are reached each month, the rest will go into a pool to cover the next month and so on. Hopefully, this will allow us to continue to exist and grow for the foreseeable future.

Thanks again for your continued support.

You can access the following subscriptions from your control panel, under options.

Basic Plan: $5 (yearly subscription)

· Full access (no restrictions) to our downloads section with over 3900 files.

· Full shoutbox access.

· Private message storage increased from 25 (standard) to 100.

· Contributor status indicated with your name in blue.

Plus Plan: $10 (lifetime subscription)

· Full access (no restrictions) to our downloads section with over 3900 files.

· Full shoutbox access.

· Private message storage increased to 200.

· Mass PM ability. (up to 5 people at one time)

· Personal title.

· The ability to change your username (up to 2 per year).

· Contributor + status indicated with your name in gold.

**Updated on 7/3/09**

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I like how modders get the subscription free, but I think you guy should review who is really a modder and who isn't.

IMO, a couple CTS, does not equal a modder.

That is a good point. I hate to read things like this, but I will definately be paying my $10. People please follow my path.

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I like how modders get the subscription free, but I think you guy should review who is really a modder and who isn't.

IMO, a couple CTS, does not equal a modder.

I agree and that will be discussed.

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Is having a charge for new members going to be enough to be a long term solution or would it just stave off the inevitable for a few monthes?

What would be some ideas to reduce overhead of maintaining the site for a long time?

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Is having a charge for new members going to be enough to be a long term solution or would it just stave off the inevitable for a few monthes?

What would be some ideas to reduce overhead of maintaining the site for a long time?

Only time will tell. We'll have to see how this does and go from there.

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$10.00 is a bargain. Thanks for the great site. I've downloaded a bunch of great mods and read many topics in many forums, gathering information for MVP and now 2K9, and have benefited greatly. It's been a while since I last contributed, so it's really 10 measly dollars that are overdue to your endeavors. I appreciate the fine work of the modders and yourself, and hope this site can continue on.

I would encourage everyone that's like me, who basically lurks in the background, enjoying the crisp conversation about a variety of topics, who enjoys hours of fun from the mods we cherry pick, to step up and help this site out. There's no big government taxing you into this, there's noone forcing you to do this, it just seems the right thing to do at the right time.

Thanks again to all the modders and especially Mr. Trues.

P.S. - I am now a proud Lifetime Member!!

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Yeah, i agree! You guys have been the greatest at modding MVP and 2K9.I encourage you all to help out Mr Trues and all of the other great modders. We're on the verge of losing this amazing site! :cray:

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$10.00 is a bargain. Thanks for the great site. I've downloaded a bunch of great mods and read many topics in many forums, gathering information for MVP and now 2K9, and have benefited greatly. It's been a while since I last contributed, so it's really 10 measly dollars that are overdue to your endeavors. I appreciate the fine work of the modders and yourself, and hope this site can continue on.

I would encourage everyone that's like me, who basically lurks in the background, enjoying the crisp conversation about a variety of topics, who enjoys hours of fun from the mods we cherry pick, to step up and help this site out. There's no big government taxing you into this, there's noone forcing you to do this, it just seems the right thing to do at the right time.

Thanks again to all the modders and especially Mr. Trues.

P.S. - I am now a proud Lifetime Member!!

Thanks for your support.

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Sorry to hear that you had to take this step, but in current economic times it is understandable. Hopefully down the road when things get better we can get the best of both worlds.

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You could have users upload files to file hosting services that would remove both the bandwidth and space required to host the files

That would work, but what if the file hosting service went out of business? Didn't you run into that problem earlier this year with some of your mods on EAMods? I can't remember the exact name of the file hosting service (FileFront?), but I do recall it happening. Having to then scramble and move 3900 files in a hurry wouldn't be an easy task. $10 is a bargain for what is being offered...

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Sorry but with this term is the final of this page. I think the finality of the page is share our pasion for baseball but now is a business. Sorry my bad english.

You can still participate in the baseball discussion on the forum.

Only if you want to download files and such do you need to pay.

But seriously, $10 is not much.

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Sorry but with this term is the final of this page. I think the finality of the page is share our pasion for baseball but now is a business. Sorry my bad english.

then you don't understand business, because that would be a helluva business plan. i wonder how microsoft would do if their goal was to break even.

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What's the other option? Trues pays money each month so that others can have free downloads for a video game?

Does that sound fair to anyone? I'm sure no one will say that it is fair, but then simultaneously, they'll be like me and others and download lots of files while making little to no donations.

I would prefer a "pay as you use" feature, where you register an account, using paypal or credit card, and every time you download, a certain amount (50 cents, $1, etc) is withdrawn/transferred from your account. It would be like downloading music or an iphone app, etc.

Those that download the most, pay the most. Those that do not utilize the services that cost money, don't pay anything. I wish we could pay taxes like this. *grin*

Have the amount/fee based on the size of the file or something. I'm not sure how this would affect the "profit off trademarked items", but I would view it as "paying for the bandwith/service".

I also don't know how this could be set up, or if it is even possible ... but I do feel a "pay for what you use" system is best.

So, instead of charging someone $5 for a uniform set or an 09 conversion mod, the downloader would pay $5 for the cost of hosting the file and/or bandwith.

Again, I'm just brainstorming, not demanding or even suggesting.

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I absolutely agree with the payment and with the cost.

10 bucks to have access to the BEST website of MVP Baseball? That's a great deal.

Why does one guy have to maintain a website that many other "guys" enjoy? Take the burden off of him.

I'll make my lifetime donation/payment real soon - just need to find my credit card.

Best of luck to you, Trues, and to mvpmods.com


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In my opinion, this should have been done a long time ago.  Look in your MVP 2005 Baseball folder and tell me you don't have 10 dollars worth of somebody's time, whether they offered it up for free or opted to charge for it.  (which I believe should be at the modder's discretion) 

Then ask yourself what it takes just to maintain one of the best gaming sites on the planet, and what it costs to keep it optimized and running smoothly for 5 years.

IMO, it's time to pay up.

*Edit - I finally got my PayPal to work :huh: , another donation is on the way, thanks to everyone for the great site!

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Those that download the most, pay the most. Those that do not utilize the services that cost money, don't pay anything. I wish we could pay taxes like this. *grin*

Have the amount/fee based on the size of the file or something. I'm not sure how this would affect the "profit off trademarked items", but I would view it as "paying for the bandwith/service".

I also don't know how this could be set up, or if it is even possible ... but I do feel a "pay for what you use" system is best.

So, instead of charging someone $5 for a uniform set or an 09 conversion mod, the downloader would pay $5 for the cost of hosting the file and/or bandwith.

Again, I'm just brainstorming, not demanding or even suggesting.

I'm not sure that this would be work. For example, is it fair that someone who downloads one Total Classics mod (average size about 400 Mb), pays more than someone who downloads 15 stadiums (size 10 Mb) or 50 individual uniforms (size 3 Mb each)?

The guy who downloads one large mod would pay more that the guy who downloads 50 smaller mods. If this then discourages people from downloading the larger mods (like the TC single season mods), it might discourage those modders (like me) from creating those mods. And what happens if your download of a large mod dies 3/4 of the way through (loss of connection, etc.). Do you then have to pay to download it again? How many people will be contacting Trues for refunds when they run into problems? This would be a bookkeeping nighmare for him.

To me, the simple "one fee for unlimited downloads" is the easiest solution here. You pay once and you are set for life. No muss, no fuss.......

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I'm not sure that this would be work. For example, is it fair that someone who downloads one Total Classics mod (average size about 400 Mb), pays more than someone who downloads 15 stadiums (size 10 Mb) or 50 individual uniforms (size 3 Mb each)?

The guy who downloads one large mod would pay more that the guy who downloads 50 smaller mods. If this then discourages people from downloading the larger mods (like the TC single season mods), it might discourage those modders (like me) from creating those mods. And what happens if your download of a large mod dies 3/4 of the way through (loss of connection, etc.). Do you then have to pay to download it again? How many people will be contacting Trues for refunds when they run into problems? This would be a bookkeeping nighmare for him.

To me, the simple "one fee for unlimited downloads" is the easiest solution here. You pay once and you are set for life. No muss, no fuss.......


I was thinking in small monetary terms, such as something big like a conversion mod would be $2-3, and uniform files would be like '50 cents'. Chances are a "uniform downloader" would spend more since they'd likely download many uniform files. It was just a brainstorm, maybe more like a "brainsprinkle".

A flat fee is the simplest way. My concern is that people have already downloaded what they wanted.

The behavior, demands/requests, complaints of some of the posters here have me convinced that for a decent amount of people, the purpose of everyone else's existence is to "serve them" ... for free, no less. You see the same thing in real life on occassion, but much less in "face-to-face" encounters.

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