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Mvpmods Subscriptions


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another option could be a 50Mb a day limit (or whatever makes sense) for non contributors. Along with that have them have to click some ads to get through to the download.

I can remember some sites a while back doing that where you had to "vote" (aka click the link) 3 times before you could d/l

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one member charged for a program he made. one modder charged for his mods. not the whole site. all the other mods and all the other utilities are still free.

everyone was so quick to judge them, and yet now this whole site has to do it and everyone's suddenly on board. people do what they have to do. i'm fully supportive of this if this is what needs to be done. do i like it? absolutely not, but who in their right mind likes it? i think everyone can now take a slice of that humble pie. and an apology to those other two wouldn't kill either.

You need to take a slice of that "humble pie" in fact just take the whole pie. A apology wouldn't kill me either.

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I just cant believe how the tune is changed once this site needs to be paid for. Everyone jumped down spungos throat and it was the same deal. Economy sucks and he needed cash. Just like Trues. Good thing Kraw came to his defense as did a few others.

But this completely different reaction from the community is beyond me, when essentially both were the same thing. I dont care if one was pay per mod and ones per for the site. You are paying for mods in the end regardless.


Hope both Spungo and Trues get the donations they need to get through these tough times.

Edited by Kayxero
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From what i understand. The situations are different. Spungo was charging for his mods so he could make a profit whereas Trues is charging so the website can be kept active and all the charges met. I am assuming that Trues won't actually be making a profit, all the money will go into paying for the site.

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Paying $10 to access a site where you can download thousands of mods is vastly different from paying $5 for one singular mod. Especially when you consider the running costs of a place like this. If this website wasnt here it would kill the game. Trues isnt doing this for profit, unlike the others.

Just my 2 cents.

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I have no problem paying $10 for this site and will as soon as I can afford to. I just feel everyone should pay the same no exceptions just because a few texture mods are made fro 2k9 ppl are exempt?? I can't even download my own mods because I never bothered trying to get the title of modder for the simple mods that I have done. Even though the no ball cursor is one of the only mods that actually changes gameplay in MLB 2k9

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i too am requesting my mods to be removed since i can't do them myself anymore.

i've been back and forth on this since this started now. i've contributed my share when you guys had to do this the first time. and i completely understand why you have to do it now. but i only see it as a short term solution. and if this is what you need to do to keep the site up and running, then i don't foresee this site surviving. which is a real shame.

i've always supported modders doing what they wish with their files. whether they provide them for free and charge for them, that is their prerogative. but this option takes that choice out of my hands, as i have always been willing to share my work and have never asked for a dime in return, and i would still prefer it that way.

i'm sorry it has to come down to this, but i think that if you guys want this site to survive, everyone needs to start contributing more donations. if the cost of up keeping the site is the issue, i think a better solution needs to be made as you cannot possibly expect donations like this to keep coming in from new members every month, especially during the off season.

i wish you guys the best as always.

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i too am requesting my mods to be removed since i can't do them myself anymore.

i've been back and forth on this since this started now. i've contributed my share when you guys had to do this the first time. and i completely understand why you have to do it now. but i only see it as a short term solution. and if this is what you need to do to keep the site up and running, then i don't foresee this site surviving. which is a real shame.

So the way to help the site survive is to remove all of your content from it? Be serious man. Trues isn't doing this to make a buck, he's tired of taking a $100+ loss every month because people don't donate.

Whatever, it's your decision, I just can't help but lose a lot of respect for anyone who pulls their work, from one modder to another.

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i am being serious. and like i said, i've thought about this a lot. and i know it's not for profit. but also like i said, i see it as a short term solution and this site has absolutely zero chance of surviving if its relying on contributions from new members. you can't possibly expect THAT many new members to pay each month to keep up with the over head. in which case, by this premise, this site is doomed in the end anyhow. if you guys want this site to survive beyond this short spurt of contributions, you will need a better solution when the well runs dry.

i'm sorry if you guys lose respect for me over that, but that's just a difference of opinion. i never charged for my mods, and i want it to stay that way.

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Please remove all my downloads from the site.

i too am requesting my mods to be removed since i can't do them myself anymore.

i've been back and forth on this since this started now. i've contributed my share when you guys had to do this the first time. and i completely understand why you have to do it now. but i only see it as a short term solution. and if this is what you need to do to keep the site up and running, then i don't foresee this site surviving. which is a real shame.

i've always supported modders doing what they wish with their files. whether they provide them for free and charge for them, that is their prerogative. but this option takes that choice out of my hands, as i have always been willing to share my work and have never asked for a dime in return, and i would still prefer it that way.

i'm sorry it has to come down to this, but i think that if you guys want this site to survive, everyone needs to start contributing more donations. if the cost of up keeping the site is the issue, i think a better solution needs to be made as you cannot possibly expect donations like this to keep coming in from new members every month, especially during the off season.

i wish you guys the best as always.

I'm sorry you guys feel that way. I'll remove your files asap.

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thank you. and i truly am sorry it has to come to this. but that's just how i feel. if maybe there were a free section for members, i would be okay with it. i just don't think anyone should be forced to pay for my mods.

i don't want to be an instigator of anything, but what exactly are you guys planning on doing during winter when this place is dead besides me and four other people? that's just what i'm considering. and then what? the site shuts down anyhow?

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It is if he is from, say, China, and the exchange rate is 8 of their dollars for 1 of ours. 10 bucks is a ton of money to some foreigners. I freaking know, I've been there on a couple of occasions. It's like asking them to pay for a PS3 when all they can afford is the dirty used Nintendo 64 with a broken controller.

you got that right, for example in my country (Venezuela) we have a limited use of Dollars per month with the credit card...so...is a little frustrating cause i love the game but can´t download anything from now on....good luck to all, hope this page can carry on for many years...

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This subscription really doesn't and probably won't effect me at all. I no longer play mvp and there isn't a mod for 2k9 that anyone can't do themselves..It really takes very little skill to mod what we can in 2k9 and if you take the time to learn you can do you own mods for mvp.. So downloading files isn't an issue with me. I do however feel that this is not a good sign for this site to stay alive.You can't depend on subscriptions, many on here are not able to pay. The next thing we will see is mods up for download on warez sites. You put a price on something and ppl will pirate it.

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When a fee for all members of this site had first been discussed many months ago, I didn't like the idea at all. Mods should be available for everyone, not just for those who can afford it.

However, since then the world has changed. In times of economic crisis, I'd rather have a subscription fee than seeing this place being forced to shut down.

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In an effort to find some middle ground here, regular members will be allowed (2) downloads per day with the option of purchasing one of the subscriptions to remove the restriction (among the other added features).

The first post in this thread has been updated.

Thanks for the feedback.

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With all the files being removed from some of the bigger modders, people will now feel less need to come here, and things are only gonna get worse. What a sad day.

What's worse is how some of these mods seem to be found only here, and now they are gone. No offense to EAmods, but most of the stuff here is not there, and even if it is, it is a nightmare trying to find it. Mods have little or no descriptions, so even if you see something interesting, you have no idea if it is something you would want...

Most of this stuff is gonna be lost forever...

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In an effort to find some middle ground here, regular members will be allowed (2) downloads per day with the option of purchasing one of the subscriptions to remove the restriction (among the other added features).

The first post in this thread has been updated.

Thanks for the feedback.

That seems to be a reasonable solution. Now I hope that the modders that asked their files to be removed to step up and upload them again.

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I have A LOT of respect for everyone here, especially the talented modders and the generous site owner.

But, let's try to keep things in perspective. In the big picture, we're a small eccentric group of baseball geeks that enjoy making and playing a game that has been greatly enhanced by mods.

As time goes by there will be fewer and fewer of us. Within a couple of years, there will be a whole new generation that has NO experience with MVP and will have no desire to. It will just be a group of us old timers keeping it alive ... like even smaller groups do with HH and BBPRO ... and even EWB.

We can't start pulling away from each other now, or we'll just start to divide into smaller groups, with none being able to survive.

What we need are effective long-term solutions on how the website can remain in existence.

I have noticed that many of the sites that contained HighHeat files are no longer in existence, and that game only predates MVP by 2 years. Most of those files are only obtainable via rapidshare or some other file hosting site.

We could also look into reducing the number of files that are present by eliminating some of the ones that are no longer doanloaded, or combining some of the files into one (if that would in fact help).

Fracturing the grop or reduction by removal of popular downloaded files will only speed up the death of the site, IMO.

I think we all can agree that the site/files are worth preserving, and just need to arrive at an effective, amicable solution.

But, let's make a concentrated effort to "stay together". We all have the same goal here ... survival.

I will donate as well (as soon as I can get my paypal issues resolved, I don't know my password, and I registered with an e-mail that is no longer in service, and I cannot sign up with a new account using the same credit card). I share the same concern as others that the new subscriptions are not going to be a long-term solution.

Are there other out of production games that have been modded and continue with a strong community? How do they survive? What do they do, that we might be able to mimic (I ask because I pretty much only play baseball games).

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I asked Trues earlier whether reducing the number of downloadable files would help. After all, how many people need a 2005, 2006, 2007 AND 2008 version of Yankee Stadium, Fenway Park, etc. Do we really need 2005, 2006, 2007 AND 2008 versions of Blue Jay uniforms? Etc., etc., etc.

You could really free up a lot of storage space by doing some housecleaning.

Unfortunately, storage space isn't the real issue. It's more about CPU usage, bandwidth, etc.

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I've really enjoyed this site and downloading all the cool stuff you guys have available for us gamers. This is a sad day indeed. But all good things come to and end and I think you guys had a great run. Unfortunately the economy hits all of us. I just lost a job I've had for 29 years, and I got to tell you it's a scary feeling. I just want to say thanks to all the great stuff you had over the last few years and good luck.

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I would say that the death of MVPmods might be a little overblown, but people need to chip in. Even if you can't donate, click on the banner ads, the website gets a couple cents for each click, and it adds up.

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