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My Pitch Selection Overlay Won't Appear

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... What can I do?

I'm fiddling with a Diamondsbacks franchise, and I'm tied 1-1 vs. COL with Francis & Webb locked in a pitcher's duel.

Webb is trying to get out of a bases loaded jam, and with Hawpe up with a 1-2 count, the pitch overlay refuses to "pop up" ... so I can't do anything. I've tried pauses & resuming, looking at box scores, etc.

My next move is to try a defensive subtitution.

If that doesn;t work, I'll try to sim 1 out or so, but I only want to d that as a last resort, because the sim will probably allow a run.

Any ideas?

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I had my game kinda freeze up like that, it was on but couldn't play. I minimized the game and went into task manager and under the Applications tab i highlighted mvp 2005 and clicked on "switch to" and everything came back on the game.

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It's because the 1st baseman is caught in no mans land and keeps running into the runner on first base. Try a coach visit to the mound and see if that unfreezes him.

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