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Mvp Mods "essay" Contest - 2009


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You could also do what I do.

I don't really have a team. Helps not living within 500 miles of an MLB team. But I can flip on any game and enjoy it for the sport ;)

It's also quite relaxing since during the hockey season the Flames give me enough of a headache!

I just read this post Hoop, that's crazy man, i don't know what i'd do without baseball near me.

BTW, It's all about the New York Rangers!

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I'm sorry. I forgot to provide a list of reasons to be a Cardinals fan:

1- Albert Pujols:

Albert Pujols loves 3 things: Baseball, God and Special Needs Kids:

He's also quite possibly not human.

Albert Pujols doesn't always drink beer, but when he does.... he prefers Dos Equis XX.

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