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Mvp 09 Issue...


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Hi all, I found an old joystick that I wanted to use for this game. Its a Logitech Cordless Rumblepad 2 if it makes a difference. I changed everything to make it work, and I loaded the game, and used it in a game with no problem. However, every time I start the game now, it freezes on the loading screen. Do I have to uninstall and reinstall MVP 09 and/or 04? Any help is appreciated.


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Have you posed your question over at EAMods? Thats where piratemvp04 (I think that's his name) hangs out. He's the one who released the 09 mod for MVP04.

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Currently EAMods is down. It has been all day as far as I know. I'm not sure what the problem is but I know Kraw recently switched over to a new hard drive so maybe something went wrong but don't quote me on that.

Was the game working before you started using the Logitech? Did yo install any extra mods besides the large MVP 09 one?

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Yeah the game worked flawlessly before i started using the rumblepad, but I was using the keyboard, and couldn't stand it, so I switched, and it worked once, but hasn't since the first time i tried it. And no, all i've installed is the mvp 09 mod itself, and 2 patches.

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