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Interview @ Geeksquad


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Hi :) I applied for a job at Geek Squad recently and I got a phone call this morning and set up an interview for tomorrow. I thought I'd ask here if anyone has ever worked there before and has any advice/tips and maybe some questions they might ask. I'm 19 and I've never had a job before but I do really enjoy working with computers so I thought it'd be a good opportunity to get some experience because I'd like to go into that field. Thanks :)

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For the sake of your own sanity, self-respect, knowledge and experience, don't bother going to the interview. Best case scenario, you don't get the job. Worst case scenario, you do.

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A buddy of mine used to work for the them, and from what i remember him tellin me its not the greatest place to work but if you enjoy working on computers, then it will be good experience to have and somethin to have on your resume if you decide to make a career out of it, not at geek squad of course , but the computer business in general. Plus its a hell of alot better than flippin burgers, thats for damn sure lol.

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For the sake of your own sanity, self-respect, knowledge and experience, don't bother going to the interview. Best case scenario, you don't get the job. Worst case scenario, you do.

A lot of people have told me this, but at this point I'll work anywhere to pay for school :(

I don't plan to work there for a career, just need something on my resume and $12 at geek squad beats $6.50 at McDonalds for sure

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In that case, I feel your pain. Been in that situation myself.

Be prepared to list your qualifications (if any) and experience off the top of your head. If you don't have any official qualifications, don't worry about it, as long as you can confidently say that you are comfortable troubleshooting PC's for a wide range of issues, are happy working either alone or as part of a team and can actually do the job, you should have no problem.

One of the most important things is confidence, though. Remember that there's a big difference between confidence and arrogance.

Also, if you don't have any qualifications and you sense that they're worried about this or your lack of experience, official or not, offer to fix a PC for them then and there to appease their concerns. Obviously, only do this if you are confident that you are a good troubleshooter and can fix a range of problems with systems.

Don't forget to explain your abilities in a customer service role as well. There's more to being a good technician than being able to fix PC's - if you're unable to communicate with a non-technical customer at their level and adapt quickly, confidently and seamlessly to their level of experience, you haven't got a chance in hell of being successful in a customer-facing role. If you are able to do this, don't be scared to show it.

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Very rude of you to post that picture taken in the privacy of my home JR :( haha

My interview went pretty well, he asked me to come back again next week to interview for the general manager so I'm assuming that's a good thing

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I forgot to mention that he said there was usually 3 interviews but he was going to skip the 2nd one and just set up the 3rd interview with the general manager so I got to reading around on different websites. From what I gathered, most people are saying that their 3rd interview was usually just a few basic questions and a job offer like "what would you do if you see a co worker stealing" and "what would you do if your best friend came in and stole a piece of gum" stuff like that, so now I'm getting pretty excited lol

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