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Datafile... Trying To Get More Fastballs Thrown By The Cpu...


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This is in MVP NCAA 06...

There is a line in the datafile under <pitcher>

28 CPUPitch_PitchBias









As you can see, seven "bignasty" numbers... I wouldn't even know where to begin... Or if this even has anything to do with pitch ratios.

It would be nice to be able to get the CPU to throw a higher percentage of fastballs, because as is it seems like every pitcher in MVP NCAA 06 is a junkball pitcher.

The only other solution would be to edit the rosters... Which would obviously take a lot longer than a quick datafile edit.

If anyone has any insight, please...

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I noticed these are the same in MVP 2005... So cracking this puzzle would be huge... If it indeed relates to more fastballs being thrown.

I guess the only thing to do is to just start testing things. When I do I'll post results here, that way if anyone else wants to join the cause they can.

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