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Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising


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If you have this game (for PC), JoeRudi26 and myself are looking for some guys to join us online. If you're interested, please let us know in this thread.

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Great news BTW, I found the alternate views for driving the vehicles, I figured they had to be there.  Makes driving much easier, but I got hammered on my way down the dirt road by a trio of machine gunners nested on the hillside.  As you can see in the bottom pic, they crippled the jeep enough to where they slid me out and I finally had to bail.  You can see the engine smoking.  I didn't roll it, but you should have seen the NPC's (non player characters) scatter when I couldn't get the jeep started.   :D

Anyway, hopefully we can get some more guys to play.   B)

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Wow, you two guys were the last persons in the world whom I would've expected to play a game like that. Is it really that much fun shooting people in a war simulation? Maybe it's because I served in the army, but I can't think of a anything that unappealing.

Please don't take this the wrong way. I've got huge respect for both of you, but I really don't like those kind of video games.

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Wow, you two guys were the last persons in the world whom I would've expected to play a game like that. Is it really that much fun shooting people in a war simulation? Maybe it's because I served in the army, but I can't think of a anything that unappealing.

Please don't take this the wrong way. I've got huge respect for both of you, but I really don't like those kind of video games.

I love all types of games, shooters just happen to be one of them. I understand it's a war sim, but I can't imagine someone not playing a racing game because they (or a relative) were in a car accident, etc.  I can hardly take it the wrong way when it's simply a video game.  

Just curious though, why would it be so odd that I, or Trues for that matter, would like this type of game?  

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Is this a good game? I have only really played the COD shooters, and I would be open to branching out.

Fun as hell so far, it looks like it could be a blast.  I've only played a few hours tops, but I can see it's a keeper.   B)

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I looked into this game but it seems a lot of people took issue with the AI of computer playrs and with the fact that the map locates yur enemy for you.

I noticed the AI players will locate enemies for you, not sure what it means about the map locating enemies though. After an enemy position is called out, there will be a red mark on the compass indicator but it only tells you in which direction they are. But doesn't getting  human controlled players eliminate that aspect of the game?  

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Ive read several reviews and the main criticism is with the AI in single player. But for the most part it seems like an enjoyable game, id like to try it out see how i like it ive been looking for a FPS/War Sim that i could get into.

I really liked World In Conflict, which i picked up for 5 bucks but the multi player is not to my liking and the caimpaign can be finished in just a day.

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I love all types of games, shooters just happen to be one of them. I understand it's a war sim, but I can't imagine someone not playing a racing game because they (or a relative) were in a car accident, etc.  I can hardly take it the wrong way when it's simply a video game.  

Just curious though, why would it be so odd that I, or Trues for that matter, would like this type of game?  

Both you and Trues are among the most reasonable and innovensive members on this board. I guess it just created a contradiction for me to find out you like this game.

Again, I don't disapprove of your fondness for this particular game. If you like it, then so be it. It's a free world, right?

On a related note, yesterday I - as indicated to you - finally purchased a PS3. Maybe we can play online sometime, just not the above mentioned game. ;)

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Fun as hell so far, it looks like it could be a blast.  I've only played a few hours tops, but I can see it's a keeper.   B)

Agreed. While I love cod, I love realism. The fact that some parts are slow paced, and that your ai actually helps you, and no regeneration, is great.

Do you guys have headsets? I have a usb one that I use for my ps3.

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Both you and Trues are among the most reasonable and innovensive members on this board. I guess it just created a contradiction for me to find out you like this game.

Again, I don't disapprove of your fondness for this particular game. If you like it, then so be it. It's a free world, right?

On a related note, yesterday I - as indicated to you - finally purchased a PS3. Maybe we can play online sometime, just not the above mentioned game. ;)

No problem man, and believe me when I say that in no way do I down play or dishonor any type of trauma due to real life war, or any games that reflect any type of real life human trauma.  It's a travesty that it has to happen in any form whatsoever, especially wars that men themselves invent.  Now that I think of it, the only type of video game I try to emulate so much into real life is baseball.  I honestly just see these other types of games for what they are, video games.

But man, you got the PS3??!  Awesome.  Looks like some online Show 10 games for next year.   :D

Oh, and I come off as reasonable?   ;)    You learn something everyday.  (jk)

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Agreed. While I love cod, I love realism. The fact that some parts are slow paced, and that your ai actually helps you, and no regeneration, is great.

Do you guys have headsets? I have a usb one that I use for my ps3.

Man, the slow paced, strategy is the funnest part of the game for me.  Having a mission objective and being able to acheive it from any direction can be pretty cool.  I like the realism of having to watch your back at all times.

But yeah, I've got a headset, etc., I'm ready to roll.

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Man, the slow paced, strategy is the funnest part of the game for me.  Having a mission objective and being able to acheive it from any direction can be pretty cool.  I like the realism of having to watch your back at all times.

But yeah, I've got a headset, etc., I'm ready to roll.

Wow awesome. Are you guys wanting to do campaign? Or just regular deathmatch? I'm going to the Virginia Tech football game Saturday, so we should play tonight. Also, should we have skype to talk?

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I love all types of games, shooters just happen to be one of them. I understand it's a war sim, but I can't imagine someone not playing a racing game because they (or a relative) were in a car accident, etc.  I can hardly take it the wrong way when it's simply a video game.  

Just curious though, why would it be so odd that I, or Trues for that matter, would like this type of game?  

I don't think a racing game is a good analogy. If a relative were killed in something like a car-jacking, then a game like GTA might not just be "all fun and games" to that person. If a son, friend, or relative were killed in a street racing situation, then the racing analogy might be spot on.

I mentioned in the shoutbox that I have mixed feeling when playing a war sim due to relative and former students currently fighting in the ME.

For a specific example, while watching the video of the game, there was a scene of an American soldier doing an army cral and was shot by someone on higher ground ... rather than be impressed with the graphics, realism, gameplay, etc ... my first thought was "Sh!t, that could happen to <relative's name> tomorrow. It was an uneasy feeling. To be "playing army" while flesh and blood relatives are doing it "for real" just seems like a conflict for me.

While I fel that way, I do not encourage others to avoid those types of games .. and I find it hard to "keep perspective" that it's 'just a game'. I enjoy shooter games, but I generally feel the need to keep it more 'fantasy' than 'realism', such as GoW, Halo, etc.

The only reason I commented again is that I do understand how some people have an issue with "realistic, modern times, war simulation games", since we are, still, currently at war.

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Wow, we're just looking for some guys to play a game here. If you don't like the game (for whatever reason), then that's your prerogative, but that's certainly not what this thread was about.

BTW, I've had several family members in the military and an uncle killed in action (Korea). That's REAL LIFE, this is a game.

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Anyone else happen to get this game yet?  We're looking to play later tonight (Sat, 10/17).  We've barely scratched the surface, but so far the online play has been virtually flawless.  We (Trues) has a solid server and we're using Teamspeak to communicate, so far we're having a blast.

If anyone (DJ, BigPapa, Wrigleyville) wants to play later this evening, give us a shout in this thread sometime today.  

(hopefully one of you can drive a jeep)   B)

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(hopefully one of you can drive a jeep) B)

Oh, I see how it is. I make one wrong turn (ok, it was off a cliff) and you're kicking me out of the drivers seat already? :spiteful:

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