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New MVP 2005 video topic.


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yea about the new trailers in IGN, are the stadiums minor league stadiums??? or is it spring training??? i wish it was spring training and each team had its own spring training facility. For example HOHOKAM for Cubs.

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THE STADIUMS LOOK [naughty word] AMAZING! also RFK is in there...looks dam good....ddddam modders just have to put the real advertisments this year..

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I have done some researching on my own. I have watched the 'Read the Pitch' vid, on EA's website, over and over agian...

Did you realize that the pitcher has different arm angels on each pitch-type? How realistic it that?!

I know many of your are dispointed, and says the game is gonna suck...But I think this one is gonna blow!

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Have you seen the bad swing?!?!

Friking realistic!!!!!

What are you talking about?

It's CRAP.

Like always, EA OVERDID IT.

Jeez, if you try to swing wrong, the batter goes flying into 50 directions and stumbles and falls all over the place. I'ts ****.

And Gary Sheffield can pull ANY pitch over the damn left-field wall(Ask Joe Nathan), EA made him "regular" where pulling an outside pitch results in that jackass animation...

Has EA leanred NOTHING from last year?!

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while i agree with you that sheffield can pull an outside pitch, he's not going to hit it like he did off of nathan EVERY time, in fact, that barely happens. it's a rare case, if you pull an outside pitch, you are most likely going to muff it up. Sheffield is quite good, but he's not a hitting god.

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while i agree with you that sheffield can pull an outside pitch, he's not going to hit it like he did off of nathan EVERY time, in fact, that barely happens. it's a rare case, if you pull an outside pitch, you are most likely going to muff it up. Sheffield is quite good, but he's not a hitting god.

Dude, like 99% of Sheff's hits are to left-field...


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