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version 0.28 is done. http://www.mlbmods.com/index.php/downloads/mlb2k10/tools/mlb2k10-roster-editor-


pitching role should no longer get automatically changed to Long Relief (except when you assign a starting pitcher to a new team)

saving a player will now mark players as injured only if their injury duration is greater than 0.

height (in feet and inches) should now match what the game shows. The game rounds to the nearest inch, but the editor was rounding down.


version 0.27 done. http://www.mlbmods.com/index.php/downloads/mlb2k10/tools/mlb2k10-roster-editor-


You can now fix "My Player" saves. Load the "my player" save that you want to fix, and then press the "Fix My Player" button. This removes your postseason goal which causes the game to crash when you get to the playoffs. This works anytime after you receive your postseason goal. If your save is already in the playoffs, but the game crashes when you try to load it, this should fix it. (It did on the one that I tried)

I temporarily disabled the Import List button.


version 0.26 done. Click my signature, then click the download link.


Injury type is now viewable/saveable in the editor. For the time being it's a number from 0 to 16383.

You can once again see the people that are in slots 3808-4050. (you could see them in version 0.10) 2K's latest official roster has some players in these slots. Previously, I thought these slots were possibly used for bullpen catchers and ballboys.

I had to do some minor reworking of the names editing. I wasn't reading/writing jersey names for players in slots 3808 - 4050 because in the original roster they all had 00 00 00 00 for the link to their jersey name. Now, some have 00 00 00 00 and some are linked to a name.


version 0.25 is done. Click my signature, then click the link to the download page.

fixed a problem with Throwing Accuracy in 0.23 and 0.24. The editor could save it fine, but it wouldn't load the current value into the Throwing Accuracy box.

fixed a problem for a couple of players that had a bad batting stance id. (Henry Blanco and Chester Chico both had 6701 for their batting stance id) In the in-game editor, this would show up as Custom without giving the options to customize. With 0.23 and 0.24 the bad batting stance id would cause an error. Now if I find an id that doesn't match one of the legal ones, I change it to custom. There were no problems with pitchers deliveries with the roster I tested, but I did the same for that.


version 0.24 uploaded. Click on my signature, then click the link to the download page.

I fixed an error that occurred if you edit a player's name with version 0.23


version 0.23 done. Click on my signature, then click on the download page.

new since version 0.22:

1. Hitting/Fielding/Pitching Abilities

2. Hitting/Baserunning/Pitching Tendencies

3. Pitch Types/speed/movement/control/tendencies

4. Batting Stance, Custom Batting Stance, Pitcher Delivery, Custom Pitcher Delivery

5. You can now search by player's birthday. mmdd or mmddyyyy Example: Type 0412 into the search box and press Enter. Any player born on April 12th will show up in the results. Example 2: Type 04121980 into the search box and press Enter. Any player born on April 12th 1980 will show up in the results.

6. player counts added to the team page.


1. When you click the Download link in the editor, it now asks you if you want to download the latest updatelist.txt.

2. Pitching Role has been disabled on the player page.

3. Pitching role is now changed to LR when you put a player on the DL or assign the player to a new team.

4. You can't put a free agent on the DL.

5. Fixed the problem with the LHP DH spot on the team page.

6. Added the players main position in parenthesis on the team tab. (In the list of hitters and in the lineups)

I think that's it.


v0.22 done. Click my sig, then click the download page to find it.

Mat notified me of an error in LHP lineups with empty slots.

I fixed this, so I'm releasing it now. The next version is still on schedule to be released by Monday.


Version 0.21 done. If you click my signature, you are taken to a page that has a paypal "Buy Now" button, and a link to the download page. This version has a 14 day free trial. Franchises and My Player files can only be edited for the first 3 days of the trial.

changes since version 0.20:

1. Added "Import List" Button. This reads updatelist.txt and updates the file currently loaded in the editor with the portrait numbers from updatelist.txt. Kraw will release a new version of his MLB Thingy soon. He will include a program that I wrote that is capable of creating a new portrait file. You can potentially have 10000 portraits in the new file. 2010 Portraits for 2K10 are also coming soon. We also decided that since we're already maintaining a list of portrait numbers for MVP Baseball, it would be a good idea to switch over to this list. This list can be viewed from http://www.mlbmods.com/index.php/mvp-ids

2. When you install the program, .fxg, .cmg, and .ros files are associated with MLB2K10 Roster Editor.

When you click the Browse button, you will now be taken automatically to your saves folder.

3. I added two links to the bottom:

Buy -- which takes you to the page where you can buy my program

Download -- which takes you to my download page where you can download the latest version of my program

4. The status label now shows the index number of the currently selected player. (the same index number as in updatelist.txt)


Version 0.20 done. If you click my signature, you are taken to a page that has a paypal "Buy Now" button, and a link to the download page. This version has a 14 day free trial. Franchises and My Player files can only be edited for the first 3 days of the trial.

changes since version 0.12:

Team tab is now operational. You can edit lineups,rotations,defensive alignment, and pitcher roles.

On the player tab, you can now assign players to another team or to the free agents list.

You can change pitching roles from the player's pitching tab.

You can change injury duration and DL days left from the player's general tab.

You can change injury status from the player's general tab. Note: I didn't test this one in-game.


Version 0.12 done. If you click my signature, you are taken to a page that has a paypal "Buy Now" button, and a link to the download page. This version has a 3650 day free trial. The next version will be moving to a 14 day free trial. I still expect to have the next version done sometime next week. The next version will focus on editing team rosters.

changes since version 0.11


1. compressed roster.iff should get decompressed by the program on the first try.

2. Abbreviations in the player's year-by-year stats for years 2010+ should no longer get messed up if you edit the names in a .fxg or .cmg file. Thanks markb for pointing this out. Unfortunately I can't fix the ones that are already messed up.

3. changed the status label text when you open a file.


Version 0.11 done. If you click my signature, you are taken to a page that has a paypal "Buy Now" button, and a link to the download page. This version has a 3650 day free trial.

changes since version 0.10

New features:

compressed roster.iff can now be decompressed by the program

A status label in the bottom left corner.

In addition to what you could edit with version 0.10, you can now edit:







removed non-players from the player list


Version 0.10 done. If you click my signature, you are taken to a page that has a paypal "Buy Now" button, and a link to the download page. This first version has a 3650 day free trial.

You can edit:

1. uncompressed roster.iff -- Default Roster

2. .ros files -- Roster

3. .fxg files -- Franchise

4. .cmg files -- My Player (Career)

What you can edit:

portrait number

face number

Date of Birth

jersey number



Other features:

Automatically backs up your file every time you save it. These files are saved in the MLB2K10 Roster Editor folder. The files have the original name followed by ".bak" followed by the date the file was backed up, followed by the time the file was backed up.

There is also a button to delete all of the automatic backups in your MLB2K10 Roster Editor folder


Original Message:

What all would you guys need in a Roster Editor?

The in-game Player Editor is actually pretty good this year.

Here's what I see as important that you can't do with the in-game editor:


Throwing Arm

Face #

Portrait #

A way to get around the names edit limit.

The ability to do specific global edits could be done on an as needed basis.

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What all would you guys need in a Roster Editor?

An ability to see and change (if needed) players cyberface ID numbers (in all available modes, including "my player"). If you can do it, I'll be very grateful :clapping:

Edited by darth alru
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For it to be free would be a nice start. :)

Basically, though, MVPEdit for 2K10. I haven't played 2K10 yet, but as roter editing programs go, MVPEdit pretty much covers it. DangerZ's editor for High Heat was solid as well.

From what I've been reading about outfield arm strength, global editing would be good as well.

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For it to be free would be a nice start. :)

Basically, though, MVPEdit for 2K10. I haven't played 2K10 yet, but as roter editing programs go, MVPEdit pretty much covers it. DangerZ's editor for High Heat was solid as well.

From what I've been reading about outfield arm strength, global editing would be good as well.

What I'm thinking of doing is just do a limited roster editor that does only what you can't do with the in-game editor. If that's what I end up doing, I won't charge for it.

But if I commit weeks of my time to do a full editor, I'm going to charge for it.

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An ability to see and change (if needed) players cyberface ID numbers (in all available modes, including "my player"). If you can do it, I'll be very grateful :clapping:

I just added portrait and face numbers to my first post.

I haven't looked at "My player" mode yet.

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What I'm thinking of doing is just do a limited roster editor that does only what you can't do with the in-game editor. If that's what I end up doing, I won't charge for it.

But if I commit weeks of my time to do a full editor, I'm going to charge for it.

That is, of course, your prerogative. :)

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What I'm thinking of doing is just do a limited roster editor that does only what you can't do with the in-game editor. If that's what I end up doing, I won't charge for it.

But if I commit weeks of my time to do a full editor, I'm going to charge for it.

I vote full editor, I hate using in game editors

I would like to be able to import complete teams via lahman's DB like MVP edit did

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How about this, Release the roster editor that will only do what the in game editor will not do for free, that way people can get started creating custom rosters. Then, you can release a roster editor later on that can be charged for for those who prefer more detail.

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Yeah TY I would pay to for full editor and could it also work on 360.

Is there a way to transfer roster file to 360.

Full editor is not really needed since the only thing unable to edit in 2K10 is players names.

As for Myplayer it is all I'm playing right now and it is Addictive.

I'm CF for Erie and hitting .329 with 0HR 16RBI 2SB.

I also have a 15 game hitting streak currently.


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Global Edits for sure. The walk and strikeout tendencies for both pitchers and hitters get out of control in franchise and my player mode. It causes pitchers to lose large amounts to their overall rating, leading to ridiculous walk totals and big ERA's. It also affects the hitters, just not as badly. Global edits for these ratings would be extremely helpful if 2k doesn't address this in the patch. Especially if they could be done based on statistics. Would also be helpful for hitters power and contact rating, since you can't really develop game generated players power or contact ratings much past 80. I'd definitely buy if you can pull something like this off.

Edited by ItsDoug420
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What all would you guys need in a Roster Editor?

The in-game Player Editor is actually pretty good this year.

Here's what I see as important that you can't do with the in-game editor:


Throwing Arm

Face #

Portrait #

A way to get around the names edit limit.

The ability to do specific global edits could be done on an as needed basis.

Pitch selector along with control and pitch speeds

Ability to change d.o.b.

basically some of the same things that were in your final 09 editor with the ability to change names without crashing after each change.

Edited by Dodgerone
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I found my code for MLB2K9 Roster Editor and have started making some changes to update it for MLB2K10. It can load uncompressed roster.iff, .ROS files, and .FXG files. I know the checksums on the .ROS and .FXG files are the same as last year, so that won't be a problem.

So far: I have the Players and Team names loading. I can search by player name, or see a list of all of the players on a team. I can also see the face number for each player.

The first release may be within a day or two.

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I found my code for MLB2K9 Roster Editor and have started making some changes to update it for MLB2K10. It can load uncompressed roster.iff, .ROS files, and .FXG files. I know the checksums on the .ROS and .FXG files are the same as last year, so that won't be a problem.

So far: I have the Players and Team names loading. I can search by player name, or see a list of all of the players on a team. I can also see the face number for each player.

The first release may be within a day or two.

Great can't wait. I like to use it to move players to correct teams after the trading deadline.

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I found my code for MLB2K9 Roster Editor and have started making some changes to update it for MLB2K10. It can load uncompressed roster.iff, .ROS files, and .FXG files. I know the checksums on the .ROS and .FXG files are the same as last year, so that won't be a problem.

So far: I have the Players and Team names loading. I can search by player name, or see a list of all of the players on a team. I can also see the face number for each player.

The first release may be within a day or two.

Any chance we can get it to open My Player files? There are some progression issues in franchise and my player that can be fixed with some global editing.

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