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These come from 13ounty's list from MLB2K9:

I'm using a different system for injury type for MLB2K10 than I did for MLB2K9, so I had to rearrange the bits. These are all confirmed/fixed.

Note: I'm adding 2048 to these. This will be done automatically in the next release.

Personal Problem -- 5 (I found this)

Bruised Abdomen -- 46

Abdominal Strain -- 48

Strained Oblique -- 50

Broken Rib -- 56

Bruised Ankle -- 72

Sprained Ankle -- 78

Fractured Ankle -- 87

Broken Ankle -- 88

Bruised Back -- 104 (I found this)

Back Spasm -- 106

Herniated Disc -- 109

Lower Back Strain -- 110

Bruised Calf -- 136

Sore Calf -- 138

Torn Calf Muscle -- 141

Calf Strain -- 142

Bruised Elbow -- 168

Torn Elbow Cartilage -- 173

Torn Elbow Ligament -- 179

Broken Elbow -- 184

Scratched Cornea -- 201

Torn Cornea -- 205

Broken Eye Socket -- 215

Finger Blister -- 232

Torn Finger Ligament -- 237

Dislocated Finger -- 241

Fractured Finger -- 247

Bruised Toe -- 264

Torn Achilles -- 269

Metatarsal Fracture -- 279

Deep Laceration -- 296

Bruised Forearm -- 297

Fractured Ulna -- 310

Fractured Radius -- 311

Groin Pull -- 328

Torn Groin Muscle -- 333

Hamstring Pull -- 360

Torn Hamstring -- 365

Bruised Hand -- 392

Mild Concussion -- 421

Major Concussion -- 422

Bruised Hip -- 456

Strained PCL -- 488

Bruised Knee -- 490

Strained ACL -- 492

Torn ACL -- 493

Twisted Knee -- 498

Torn Knee Cartilage -- 499

Torn MCL -- 500

Fractured Knee Cap -- 503

Bruised Neck -- 520

Stinger -- 522

Neck Strain -- 526

Bruised Leg -- 552

Leg Cramps -- 555

Quadricep Pull -- 556

Torn Quadricep -- 557

Bruised Shin -- 584

Shin Splint -- 597

Fractured Shin -- 599

Strained Rotator Cuff -- 620

Torn Rotator Cuff -- 621

Dislocated Shoulder -- 625

Bruised Bicep -- 648

Strained Bicep -- 652

Torn Bicep -- 653

Sprained Wrist -- 680

Broken Wrist -- 696

Ty, are those injuries default injuries listed by the game or did you come up with that list?

If you came up with the list your self - I am a Certified Athletic Trainer and could give you a more specific injury list. For example: you could also add in Moderate Concussion. Concussions could also be graded as Grade I (bell rung - headache and other slight symptoms - athlete may sit out the rest of the game or possibly stay in the game depending upon the symptoms, but would most likely return the next day with out any issues), Grade II (athlete has symptoms that do not go away and will be out for 24-48hrs), or Grade III concussions (athlete was knocked out and will not return to play for at least a week. Some athletes may return sooner than 1 week if symptom free for 24hrs straight post injury or the symptoms could linger on for 2 or more weeks.) Grade I Lateral Ankle Sprain = mild (athlete can still play - will need tape/brace), Grade II Lateral Ankle Sprain = moderate (athlete is out for 1-2 weeks will need to be taped/braced for rest of the season), Grade III Lateral Ankle Sprain = ligaments are completely torn and surgery may be required (athlete could be out 4-6 weeks).

Just let me know if I could help in this area.

Edited by AUY2K

Ty, are those injuries default injuries listed by the game or did you come up with that list?

If you came up with the list your self - I am a Certified Athletic Trainer and could give you a more specific injury list. For example: you could also add in Moderate Concussion. Concussions could also be graded as Grade I (bell rung - headache and other slight symptoms - athlete may sit out the rest of the game or possibly stay in the game depending upon the symptoms, but would most likely return the next day with out any issues), Grade II (athlete has symptoms that do not go away and will be out for 24-48hrs), or Grade III concussions (athlete was knocked out and will not return to play for at least a week. Some athletes may return sooner than 1 week if symptom free for 24hrs straight post injury or the symptoms could linger on for 2 or more weeks.) Grade I Lateral Ankle Sprain = mild (athlete can still play - will need tape/brace), Grade II Lateral Ankle Sprain = moderate (athlete is out for 1-2 weeks will need to be taped/braced for rest of the season), Grade III Lateral Ankle Sprain = ligaments are completely torn and surgery may be required (athlete could be out 4-6 weeks).

Just let me know if I could help in this area.

That list came from 13ounty's list I found in my MLB2K9 roster editor thread on eamods.com. I had to renumber them because I did the injury status differently this year. The injury names are what the game shows.

ty i just installed version 26 and for some reason all the teams ive worked on has added 3 more players on the main list for each team.But on the team tabs they are not listed.For example on the angels version 26 added luis sison,ramon cali and phil looper.

After putting the names in a search,Sison is showing as being on the angels salt lake bees and as a free agent.Cali is on the angels,durham bulls and columbus clippers while looper is being shown as angels,red hawks and nl allstars.But when going to the team tab's they are not listed

I reinstalled version 25 and these names are not even found at all

ty i just installed version 26 and for some reason all the teams ive worked on has added 3 more players on the main list for each team.But on the team tabs they are not listed.For example on the angels version 26 added luis sison,ramon cali and phil looper.

After putting the names in a search,Sison is showing as being on the angels salt lake bees and as a free agent.Cali is on the angels,durham bulls and columbus clippers while looper is being shown as angels,red hawks and nl allstars.But when going to the team tab's they are not listed

I reinstalled version 25 and these names are not even found at all

I'll probably change that so that the three players (bullpen catchers + batboy?) don't show up when when you select the team. I changed it because Jason Heyward and some of the other new players in 2k's latest roster are not in the regular slots (0-3807)

If you go back to version .10, you will see those players.

Problem - I have the latest version of the editor. Recently an update list was offered so I accepted it. Then when I went into the game 95% of my portraits were gone. And those that are there are not the correct portrait for that player. Any guidance on how to get the portraits back?

How to delete create player ?

My roster have a problem .

A FA player in Mets , but I can't move him to another team .

When I move , It shows FA in the Mets .

Why , could you help me ?

I upload my roster .

My link

The weird player is Fast Last .

Is it possible to select shoes for individual players? I've downloaded and installed the global.iff with Nike and Adidas shoes. Some players have Nike and some players have Adidas. Is there a way to control which players have which shoes?


Hi, tywiggins. I'm going to be purchasing this great editor real soon, but had a quick question about it first. With it, do you have access to the AL & NL Greats players and can edit/move those players to other teams or free agents? Thanks. :)

Hi, tywiggins. I'm going to be purchasing this great editor real soon, but had a quick question about it first. With it, do you have access to the AL & NL Greats players and can edit/move those players to other teams or free agents? Thanks. :)

Yes. Also, you can try out the latest version before you buy. http://tywiggins.mlbmods.com/downloads/downloads.html

version 0.27 done. http://www.mlbmods.com/index.php/downloads/mlb2k10/tools/mlb2k10-roster-editor-


You can now fix "My Player" saves. Load the "my player" save that you want to fix, and then press the "Fix My Player" button. This removes your postseason goal which causes the game to crash when you get to the playoffs. This works anytime after you receive your postseason goal. If your save is already in the playoffs, but the game crashes when you try to load it, this should fix it. (It did on the one that I tried)

I temporarily disabled the Import List button.


Is there any chance adding a 'mass edit' feature to a future generation of your editor? That would be extremely handy for altering the player abilities that aren't covered by sliders, like arm strength.

If this is a possibility - is it possible for such mass edits to be confined to a specific team or league position (i.e. catchers)?

Knowing very little about the programming required to implement such features, I have no idea of the time that would be required to make them a reality - so I ask more out of curiosity than as a request. Still, if it is in the realm of possibilities, these would be very handy features.

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