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A Way To Extract A Box Score!


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Here is a way to extract your 2k10 franchise box score!

When you are done your game go to your schedule and highlight the game that you want to extract. It will pull out a box with options, select blog to 2ksports.com then it will ask you do you want to extract your box score, you select yes. Now head over to community.2ksports.com and sign up for a 2ksports account so you can link you 2k10 in-game account. If you registered already than you don't need to sign up again. When you are done logging in, go to my 2k home under online community. Select from the left side edit my account, then link account on top of the big letters that say Edit Account Information. Then head down to PC Account. Here you enter your IN-GAME username and password and when it is linked, go to the left hand side and choose view my profile. at the top there is a news feed with your box score linked to the word association, click association then it will appear. Here is an example of an extracted box score: http://community.2ksports.com/community/user/blogs.cfm?blogid=1018386

Hope you enjoy,


PS. You can do the same with the xbox 360 and ps3, just do the same but link your live gamer tag or your psn gamer tag

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