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Hey guys. Sorry if this is an old topic, but where can I get the box score extractor? I've had a nostalgia moment and decided to play MVP Baseball 2006 again and I wanted to save some scores but I can't find a link to it.

I've done some searches to no avail. Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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  • 5 years later...

Hello Yankee4Life,

I am looking for this Box Score Extractor too, although I saw on another post that it wasn't available here anymore, and the link you posted here just keep bringing me back here in a new tab (exactly here, to this topic).

Could you help me finding this Box Score Extractor, please?

I tried Google, but it direct me to this site only.


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Hello Yankee4Life,

I am looking for this Box Score Extractor too, although I saw on another post that it wasn't available here anymore, and the link you posted here just keep bringing me back here in a new tab (exactly here, to this topic).

Could you help me finding this Box Score Extractor, please?

I tried Google, but it direct me to this site only.


​The link that I posted was a five-year-old link and it is long gone now. The modder who made this does not have his mods on this site so I can't and won't post the box score extractor on here. No one else can either. It's tywiggins mod and he owns it.

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We will try it, to see.

Anyway,  we are in no rush, as we are in pre-alpha-testing for our league's reboot.

We're first testing if MVP can make it as a base, then work up the mods to fit our needs (gameplay-wise), then the mods to convert our old Earl Weaver Baseball based teams (rosters, uniforms, stadiums, maybe even sounds).

Probably the BoxScore Extractor (even MVPcaribe's one) will be the key for keeping the players' stats throughout the season, because we wouldn't be playing using the season mode. The way our league used to work, and how we would like to keep it, is (for example) 8 guys meeting at one's place once a month, playing their four games that night two by two (head-to-head) on four computers, at the same time.  If we were to play in season mode, we would overright each other's game every time a game ends.

Using the BoxScore Extractor, we could all play Exhibition games the same way we used to do, and keep season stats in an Excel spreadsheet.

Only detail we would still have to figure is pitchers' fatigue management, and starting pitchers rotations...

Sorry about the long reply, I tend to get excited about this project...

And thanks for the MVPcaribe's Extractor idea

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  • 3 months later...

I downloaded the one from MVPCaribe... I just need the logos for it..  One of the guys said something about they were located in downloads somewhere during the 2008 time period.. I will have to look and see.. I need them if I am going to make this work.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I downloaded the one from MVPCaribe... I just need the logos for it..  One of the guys said something about they were located in downloads somewhere during the 2008 time period.. I will have to look and see.. I need them if I am going to make this work.

yea, the one from MVPCaribe does work but the logos are outdated. havent had much use for it. you can make your logos easily using photoshop though

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Gordo just got permission to upload this just the other day and I believe the item you are looking for is the first one on the list on the Volume # 2. But I included both of them incase you might need one out of Volume # 1.


Edited by Slydude3129
Added both volumes of Gordos uploads
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  • 4 months later...

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