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Hey KKKerry!

Could you make me a...I don't know what to call it, I'm gonna use it as a picture on MSN.

I really love your sig, but could you make mine more electric (but don't over do it)or another cool effect.

Use this:


If you want, you could use this too:


Here's the team's logo, if you want to use it:


My name is Emil Fjellvang #21

Thanks in advance!

Sure, I'll do it.

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Hey sup guys...haven't posted in a while because of the whole thingy w/ the left field and such...but im workin on a new baseball sig and ill post it up soon... :wtg:
Ohhh...LOVE YOUR SIG....*yuhm* Jessica Alba *yuhm*
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Has anyone ever had a problem when using PS where a bunch 'Photoshop Help' windows keep appearing pretty much whenever you move your mouse, with eventually 50+ windows appearing all over your taskbar? I'm having trouble doing anything with the program because of this.

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Something like this? Sorry, but I couldn't figure out how to utilize that other picture, and the logo really couldn't fit in such a small space. I'd be able to make you a pretty cool sig with those pictures though, so let me know if you'd want one.

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