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Here is a sig that i made, it took me 5 min. I am not happy with it but it'll do. Anybody like it or think it is alright. I did it on Paint.

Here it is......


Are you trying too be funny?

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no. i am not. and yeh, yeh, yeh u think it look like s**t. I just am getting started making sigs. I am learning how to use Photoshop right now. So, after all when i look at it it does kinda look horibble. Sorry guys i am just crazy for putting that up. Sorry.

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Here's a Ryan Howard signature that I made:


I kind of liked it, and didn't want it to go to waste, so if anyone actually wants to use it, I could put your name on for you.

And Dom, why would you make something in Paint if you have Photoshop at your disposal?

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Here's a Ryan Howard signature that I made:


I kind of liked it, and didn't want it to go to waste, so if anyone actually wants to use it, I could put your name on for you.

And Dom, why would you make something in Paint if you have Photoshop at your disposal?

Because it is a trial version. I used it up already. I just downloaded it now. Sorry. I am working right now on a MO sig. I kinda like the Howard sig, good job.

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Today's Lesson Learned

Don't do sigs in Paint. :smile:

Anyway, here's your matching avatar...


I didn't put your name on because it looked too crowded.


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I like that Filthy. The text stands out too much though. Nice style though. The only thing I would work on is lighting and background depth. Get some dark and light spots in there. Look at my current...see how the C4D in the background stands out from the black?


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By the way, C4D, which is what most graphic designers call stuff from Cinema 4D, is 3D, usually abstract pieces that work excellently in signatures and many other art. Here are some examples:



And also some render packs from Deviant Art (usually very good)



**Please note that when using renders/C4D packs from Deviant Art, they must be found under "Resources". Otherwise, that is called ripping because you are taking something that somebody made without their permission.

Here are my latest sigs where I used C4D. You have to blend it or it doesn't usually look good.





And Dom2662's.

I hope this helps a few people out there.


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Not bad...really. Nice bg.

I would do something different with the yankee logo in the background, but I like the opacity.

The rings kill it...I think you could take them out.

Also the outer glow on jeter isn't so hot. Duplicate the layer he's on and give it a horizontal motion blur of around 2.5, then set that layer on overlay/linear dodge/color dodge - whatever looks best.

The 2 is fine but make cap'n all lowecase and like 75% opacity.

If you want to get rid of the yankees logo and make like YANKEES in Arial Black and put it on 25& opacity over that box thing across the middle of the sig.

That's what I think you could do to improve it...try them out and see how they look. Post up what you come up with.


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heres the sig for you trebjr:


If you need anything changed just let me know.

I love the sig. The only thing is my name. It's tebjr. You've got trebjr. Other than that it's flawless.

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hey guys, just made my very first sig (below). Sorry, but I'm still not an expert with the magnetic lasso and its also pretty simple, I know :shrug: Let me know what you guys think. Thanks...

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well i'm not an expert by a long shot, but i would say that its really good for your first one. try out some brushes on the background, and figure out what looks good. Also, after you use the cutout magnetic tool, you should go to that layer and use a small eraser to get rid of the remaining background. (Ex. vernon well's neck and top of head). Other than that, just keep workin at it. nice job.

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could someone possibly make me a sig with either, Roy Halladay, Vernon Wells, or Gustavo Chacin, or a combination of them please? I'm still practising making my own, but untill then, any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance...

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Fred, use the Polygonal lasso tool or the pen tool when rendering images. The magnetic lasso tool isn't very good.

I'll also get your sig later today when I'm home from school.


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