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Here ya go... tell me what you think/improvements... to me, somethin seems wrong on it i just cant put my finger on it... if you dont like it... no biggy


LOL sorry it took so long to reply, that is fantastic the exact script I was talking about. The best right-handed and left-handed hitter right now.

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No I think it's great, I can't believe how you perfected so much to what I wanted. It looks exactly like I hoped. I love the Red background and talk about perfect pics. A++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

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It's a pattern I made. In Photoshop, you need to first make a 3x3 document. Make sure that the background is set to transparent. Zoom in all the way. Then take a 1 pt. pencil, and make a dot in the middle of the square. Then press control+A, and go to Edit-Define Pattern. Name your pattern, and you're done.

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I thought that was a guide to make sigs.Sorry Bama that guide does work good though!I don't know how you can only cut out the player,I surround him with the dots using scissors,and then I cut or copy,but when I paste,It pastes the whole picture what am I doing wrong?(I use GIMP)

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lol friedman, on your pujols sig, i looked and all you can see is his white jersey and hes headless lol... then i looked closer and found his head... just funny tho cause he looks headless if you dont look closely... maybe some white brush by his head to make is stick out?

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you probably didnt copy the layer, you copied the picture... you should only copy the layer... and for gods sake, be patient and dont bump your post... you've been extrememly fortunate that bama and i have been replying every thirty seconds to your posts... we do have lives... if no one answers after 2-3 days, then you can POLITELY ask someone to answer your question

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no, ask all the questions you want... we are happy to help, but you're much more likely to get a more helpful response if you're patient, polite, and type in understandable english/grammar... did you figure it out yet?

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I don't know if Photoshop is like GIMP, but you might have a rectangular marquee thingy that lets you make a box around the picture. Then just copy that and I think it'll work.

And dude, chillax. Jhath and Bama have 100x more patiences than me. If your question doesn't get answered, it will eventually. Many people check up on this everyday.

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