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You Guys ROCK .... i want to learn how to use photoshop...

It took me about a month to do the some enhancing skills but this was really easy, all i had to do was twist the canvas and crop it. Enjoy.

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D-Unit suggested I make my request here:

Since baseball season is almost wrapped up, I have a request for a logo for my roster. Here is my idea for it:

In pretty much a MVP Baseball logo, I'd imagine the cover athlete (I'd choose Johan Santana) delivering a pitch with a white background and the logo below him. The logo would state: "Epic Rosters III: 2007 Rosters for MVP Baseball 2005"

Seems like a simple design, I guess I imagine it being a cover to a MVP Baseball videogame. The picture doesn't have to be small (It isn't a sig) since I would upload it as a download picture when the 2007 roster comes out.

Now, if any of you feel like making it, you can deviate from the idea as much as you feel like. Smile It's your efforts after all. Possibly if people would find it fun, there can be voting on who is the cover athlete for my roster. If no one cares (which I expcet), Johan Santana would do just fine. (He deserves some exposure even if it's for a roster! :p)

Anyway, it is just a request. Thanks in advance!

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Here is your Ortiz (redsx2434):


Nice. FF, how'd you make those effects on the letters? i've been trying to make that kind of letters for a long time, but i've never been able to do it in a way that i'm really satisfied with.
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