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Yea, what team do you think you'll get on? I might get on JV, but there are 5 goalies that aren't freshman, so I will probably end up on freshman. And we did a scrimmage and I had a shutout ftw!!!!

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I started JV last year. And we were in the top 4 in state. I want to get on JV again, I love the coach and if I make varsity (I hope not) then I will ride the bench. Our varsity was ranked in the top 5 in the nation at the beginning of last year. And I'm sure we are at least top 20 for the upcoming year. I play right/left mid for my high school.

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Yeah, the varsity captain told me that I am good enough to start JV, but because of the fact that I'm a freshman and there are so many other goalies, it would be better for me to be on freshman.

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Don't like the Harden font, the blend of him and the cut looks kinda shady, around the back of his neck and kinda low quality. Don't really like the mirroring cubs thing either, sorry.

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Branched out on ideas. Tried something different. cnc.

Sorry to say, but you took a step back with this one. Your work before this one have been truly amazing, but this one has no appeal to it. Nothing in it stands out to catch your eyes.

Well, the text stands out, but for the wrong reasons. It just doesn't flow well with the sig.

One a side note, I actually wouldn't mind taking a look at the PSD of your current sig. It's well done.

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