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I'll make you one tomorrow, today I have soccer practice and then I'm going to see a movie.

EDIT: I'm going to the movie in a few minutes, but I was bored so I whipped something up, I'm not quite happy with it, so if you don't like it, I'll make another one. I haven't made sigs in like a month or so.


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Good job man, I just think there is a little too much blue in this. The twenty four looks out of place but other than that its pretty nice. You should try branching out on some ideas imo.

Thanks for the input, wrigley. I've done a few things in Photoshop, but sig making is totally new to me. I've done a few, probably under 10.

I'll keep practicing. 8)

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No lens flare... please. Get rid of the c4d, it doesn't fit at all. You should go read a tutorial on how to use them because they can be quite powerful but maybe some other PS tutorials first because that's something harder to master. I like your Manny sig, plain and simple, gets the point across, don't try to do too much.

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Here is another one I couldn't decide the font but this is what I got


I liked wrigleys paper thing and his sig with the bars so I implemented the two into this. I think the rays logo is rather unneccasary. I kind of like it though

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Text is bad. And for the bar thing to look good, you have to make a slim bar, one solid color. Then fill the top white on a new layer, lower opacity, and TADAH!!You have the bar effect.

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I'm really starting to think this isn't the thing for me. I have checked tutorials I think its that I'm not thinking of good original ideas and am not implementing things right

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