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Xbox 360 Controller style 2 POST PATCH


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File Name: Xbox 360 Controller style 2 POST PATCH

File Submitter: krawhitham

File Submitted: 06 May 2010

File Updated: 10 Jun 2010

File Category: MLB 2K10 - Overlays

Version: 1.0

Xbox 360 Controller style 2

Must use Total Installer Thingy for MLB 2k10 to install

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kraw, i seem to be having some kind of double button overlays with ver 2, can your first version work with the post patch ?


I am having the same problem with the double button overlays post patch. I used TIT to install the older version and have had no problems.

The pre-patch version of the overlay didn't require the TIT, but this one does and I can't get the TIT to work on my PC (says I do not have access to it when I try to run the application). My anti-virus tries to block the program (I know it's safe), but I hit ignore. Is there anyway a version of the overlay could be released that doesn't require TIT? Thanks.

Style 1 works for me. It does require the use of TiT. http://mlbmods.com/index.php You have to login to view the downloads.

yeah i tryed both, and there both doing the same, looks like im stuck with it. i was in hopes some one still was using the 1st beta version and would up it, no dice though.

The pre-patch version of the overlay didn't require the TIT, but this one does and I can't get the TIT to work on my PC (says I do not have access to it when I try to run the application). My anti-virus tries to block the program (I know it's safe), but I hit ignore. Is there anyway a version of the overlay could be released that doesn't require TIT? Thanks.

you would need the same version im looking for , if i get it i'll up load it, so you can enjoy your game.

TiT is not needed for the installation of this mod. Just extract the archive and you'll have some .dds files, Install them into the locations listed in the MLBThingy.kraw file using the NBA Mod Tool and you're set.

Hmm..I tried using the NBA 2K10 Mod Tool to open gamedata.iff but after accepting the prompt to decompress the file it gives this error: "java.io.IOException: Can't Rename Temp File"

Oh well, I look into the Total Install Thingy method.

Hmm..I tried using the NBA 2K10 Mod Tool to open gamedata.iff but after accepting the prompt to decompress the file it gives this error: "java.io.IOException: Can't Rename Temp File"

Oh well, I look into the Total Install Thingy method.

That's a problem with your installation of the NBA Mod Tool program or, more likely, an access issue on the temporary file that was being used by NBA Mod Tool.

TiT is not needed for the installation of this mod. Just extract the archive and you'll have some .dds files, Install them into the locations listed in the MLBThingy.kraw file using the NBA Mod Tool and you're set.

I tried NBA2k10 mod tool...but don't understand

can anyone please post instructions for those unfamiliar with these apps

it wasn't this frustrating installing the older mod


it works, it just duplicates the images, that's why the beta is needed, i had the darn thing, but i deleted it, when this full version came out, now im in the same boat as you. n a few others. ive left kraw messages, haven't herd anything back so ionno bro, unstalling doesn't fix it either, so i can save you sometime there, already tried.

it works, it just duplicates the images, that's why the beta is needed, i had the darn thing, but i deleted it, when this full version came out, now im in the same boat as you. n a few others. ive left kraw messages, haven't herd anything back so ionno bro, unstalling doesn't fix it either, so i can save you sometime there, already tried.

yea all i want is the beta because it actually works and easy to install...download 1 second copy paste...everything done is less than 30 seconds

That's a problem with your installation of the NBA Mod Tool program or, more likely, an access issue on the temporary file that was being used by NBA Mod Tool.

The error is only when I try to open gamedata.iff as I stated in my last post. It can't be just a bad install because I can open english.iff just fine. Also it's weird that the programmer would just leave the user to unpack the files anywhere then a "bad install" occurs because I can't read the programmer's mind on the best place to install the tool.

Also if it's an "access issue" then it's likely an issue on the part of the programmer.

I Googled the error message and nothing relevant to the Mod tool came up. I am not asking for a resolution but am just reporting what I've experienced.


sorry these took so long but haven't logged in for quite awhile. Here are the files from 4/29. They worked for me using TIT. Good Luck!




sorry these took so long but haven't logged in for quite awhile. Here are the files from 4/29. They worked for me using TIT. Good Luck!



hey bro np at all welcome back. ty man for uploading these back, much appreciated. :drinks:


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