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MVP 2004


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Does anyone know a place where I can get MVP 04 relatively cheap for PC? I am hoping for something around the $10 range. I have it for PS2, but with 05 coming out soon and me being new to PC games and MVPMods I wanted to try to work on the things and just see how everything works.

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buddies, you can get it for free, well in canada its legal, not USA. If you live in Canada, downloading is legal,wooh hooh. There is a downside though, even though you are able to play most downloaded games online, MVP 2004 requires a certain code that you can find only on the original box, so if u wanna play MVP online, buy it, otherwise you can get it for freeee.

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Thanks guys for the help. I ended up finding 1 on Amazon for 5.99 and they are in Ohio, so even better. With shipping it ended up being like $9.50.

You probably will get annoyed with me here shortly as I will probably be confused with many of the programs but hopefully it will be good in the long run and I can help mod.

Hey bears, you still mad at me for my trade offer? :oops: Its a small world.

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