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Same list but in alphabetical order.


Aaron, Hank

Adcock, Joe

Alexander, Grover Cleveland

Aparicio, Luis

Appling, Luke

Ashburn, Richie

Baker, Frank

Banks, Ernie

Bauer, Hank
Beck, Walter "Boom Boom"
Beckert, Glenn
Bedrosian, Steve

Belanger, Mark
Bell, James "Cool Papa"
Bender, Charles Albert (Chief)

Bentley, Jack
Berra, Dale
Berra, Yogi
Bezdeck, Hugo
Bithorn, Hiram

Black, Joe

Blackburne, Lena
Blue, Vida

Boudreau, Lou
Brecheen, Harry "The Cat"
Brock, Lou
Brown, Mordecai "Three Finger"
Browning, Pete
Campanella, Roy
Canseco, Jose

Carrasquel, Alejandro
Carew, Rod
Carter, Gary

Cash, Norm

Chambliss, Chris
Chandler, Spud

Chapman, Ben

Cicotte, Eddie
Clemente, Roberto
Cobb, Ty

Cochrane, Mickey
Collins, Eddie
Combs, Earle

Concepcion, Dave
Cone, David

Conigliaro, Tony
Crawford, Sam
Creighton, James

Crowder, General
Dalkowski, Steve

Davenport, Jim
Dean, Dizzy

Dent, Bucky
Dickey, Bill
Dimaggio, Joe

Dressen, Charlie
Drysdale, Don
Duffy, Hugh "Sir Hugh"
Durocher, Leo

Ehmke, Howard

Erskine, Carl
Fain, Ferris

Figueroa, Ed
Fingers, Rollie

Finney, Lou
Ford, Whitey
Fothergill, Bob
Foxx, Jimmie

Freehan, Bill
Furillo, Carl
Gehrig, Lou
Gehringer, Charlie

Gentile, Jim
Gibson, Josh
Gomez, Lefty

Gray, Pete

Gregg, Vean

Guidry, Ron

Gwynn, Tony
Halas, George (Papa Bear)
Harrelson, Ken
Heilmann, Harry
Henrich, Tommy
Herman, Babe
Herman, Billy

Hodges, Gil

Holmes, Tommy

Horton, Willie

Howard, Elston
Hoy, William "Dummy"

Hoyt, Waite

Huggins, Miller

Hunt, Ron
Jackson, Joseph Jefferson (Shoeless Joe)

Jeter, Derek
John, Tommy
Johnson, Walter

Kaline, Al
Keller, Charlie

Kluszewski, Ted

Koenig, Mark
Koufax, Sandy
Lajoie, Napoleon

Lazzeri, Tony
Lemon, Bob

Lloyd, John Henry "Pop"

Lyle, Sparky

Mack, Connie

Maddux, Greg
Manning, Rick
Mantle, Mickey
Maranville, Rabbit
Marichal, Juan
Maris, Roger

Martin, Billy

Mathewson, Christy

Mattingly, Don

Mays, Carl
Mays, Willie
Mazeroski, Bill
Medwick, Joe
Merkle, Fred

Meusel, Bob

Millan, Clyde

Miller, Bing

Moore, Terry
Mulcahy, Hugh "Losing Pitcher"
Mungo, Van Lingle
Munson, Thurman
Musial, Stan

Nomo, Hideo
Oh, Sadaharu

Oldring, Rube

O'Neill, Paul

Ott, Mel

Page, Joe

Peckinpaugh, Roger
Pennock, Herb
Perry, Gaylord

Pipgras, George

Pipp, Wally
Podres, Johnny
Prince, Bob (Pirates announcer contributed by Don Spa.)

Randolph, Willie

Raschi, Vic

Reese, Pee Wee
Reiser, Pete

Reynolds, Allie
Rice, Sam
Richard, James Rodney "J.R."

Richardson, Bobby
Rickey, Wesley Branch

Rivera, Mariano

Rivers, Mickey

Robinson, Frank

Robinson, Jackie

Roe, Preacher

Rucker, Nap

Ruffing, Red
Ruth, Babe
Ryan, Nolan
Sanders, Deion

Schalk, Ray

Schmidt, Mike

Schocker, Urban
Seaver, Tom
Shantz, Bobby

Shawkey, Bob
Simmons, Al

Singleton, Ken

Sisler, George

Snider, Duke

Speaker, Tris
Stargell, Willie

Stottlemyre, Mel
Taylor, Arlas

Terry, Bill

Tiant, Luis
Thomson, Bobby

Traynor, Pie

Trosky, Hal

Valo, Elmer
Van Slyke, Andy

Vaughan, Arky

Vaughn, James "Hippo"
Waddell, Rube
Wagner, Honus

Waitkus, Eddie

Wambsganss, Bill
Weiss, Walt

White, Roy

Wilhelm, Hoyt
Williams, Bernie
Williams, Billy

Williams, Ken
Williams, Ted

Yastrzemski, Carl

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  • 9 years later...

Al Simmons.
Spud Chandler.
Harry Heilmann.
Yogi Berra.
Pete Reiser.
Sam Crawford.
James "Cool Papa" Bell.
William "Dummy" Hoy.
Ferris Fain.
Ty Cobb.
Fred Merkle.
Jose Canseco.
Napoleon Lajoie.
Harry "The Cat" Brecheen.
Don Drysdale.
Sandy Koufax.
Gary Carter.
Bob Fothergill.
Pete Browning.
Lou Brock.
Charlie Gehringer.
Tommy Henrich.
Rollie Fingers.
Deion Sanders.
Dizzy Dean.
Tommy John.
David Cone.
Earle Combs.
Ted Williams.
Honus Wagner.
Joseph Jefferson Jackson (Shoeless Joe)
Bernie Williams.
Walt Weiss.
Joe Dimaggio.
Nolan Ryan.
Billy Herman.
Herb Pennock.
Bobby Shantz.
Gaylord Perry.
Mickey Mantle.
Carl Furillo.
Juan Marichal.
Wesley Branch Rickey.
Charles Albert Bender (Chief).
George Halas (Papa Bear)
Thurman Munson.
Jimmie Foxx.
Vida Blue.
Sadaharu Oh.
Steve Dalkowski.
James Rodney "J.R." Richard.
Rick Manning.
Willie Mays.
Roy Campanella.
Johnny Podres.
Steve Bedrosian.
Andy Van Slyke.
Bill Mazeroski.
Ernie Banks.
Billy Williams.
Glenn Beckert.
Dale Berra.
Josh Gibson.
Hugh "Sir Hugh" Duffy.
Van Lingle Mungo.
Rube Waddell.
Rabbit Maranville.
Leo Durocher.
Tom Seaver.
Walter Johnson.
Roger Maris.
Eddie Collins.
Bill Dickey.
Babe Ruth.
Lou Gehrig.
Lefty Gomez.
Stan Musial.
Whitey Ford.
Hiram Bithorn.
Charlie Keller.
Sam Rice.
Bob Lemon.
Hugh "Losing Pitcher" Mulcahy.
Walter "Boom Boom" Beck.
Mordecai "Three Finger" Brown.
Joe Medwick.

Bobby Thomson.

Arlas Taylor.

Willie Stargell.

Roberto Clemente.

Bob Prince. (Pirates announcer contributed by Don Spa.)

Hugo Bezdek.

Rod Carew

Babe Herman.

Ken Harrelson.

James Creighton.

Hank Aaron.

Wally Pipp.

Ted Kluszewski.

Mickey Cochrane.

Preacher Roe.

Terry Moore.

Christy Mathewson.

Tony Gwynn.

Bill Wambsganss.

Greg Maddux.

Carl Yastrzemski.

Joe Page.

Ron Guidry.

Luke Appling.

Richie Ashburn.

Mark Belanger.

Duke Snider.

Ron Hunt.

Bill Terry.

Bob Shawkey.

Ken Singleton.

Nap Rucker.

Mike Schmidt.

Mel Stottlemyre.

Paul O’Neill.

Jackie Robinson.

Mickey Rivers.

Elston Howard.

Bobby Richardson.

Hideo Nomo.

Allie Reynolds.

Willie Randolph.

Joe Adcock.

Al Kaline.

Howard Ehmke.

George Sisler.

Roy White.

Miller Huggins.

Connie Mack.

Frank Robinson.

Mark Koenig.

Jim Gentile.

John Henry "Pop" Lloyd.

Waite Hoyt.

Red Ruffing.

Billy Martin.

Derek Jeter.

Bucky Dent.

Hank Bauer.

Sparky Lyle.

Ed Figueroa.

Norm Cash.

Willie Horton.

Hal Trosky.

Mariano Rivera.

Bill Freehan.

Tony Conigliaro.

Carl Erskine.

Bing Miller.

Elmer Valo.

Hoyt Wilhelm.

Eddie Cicotte.

Grover Cleveland Alexander.

Arky Vaughan.

Pie Traynor.

Tris Speaker.

Lena Blackburne.

Gil Hodges.

Jim Davenport.

Rube Oldring.

Tony Lazzeri.

Carl Mays.

Lou Boudreau

General Crowder.

Eddie Waitkus.

Joe Black.

Vic Raschi.

Urban Schocker.

Bob Meusel.

Pee Wee Reese.

Charlie Dressen.

Clyde Milan.

Jack Bentley.

Roger Peckinpaugh.

Pete Gray.

Don Mattingly.

Ray Schalk.

Mel Ott.

Chris Chambliss.

Luis Aparicio.

Tommy Holmes.

Alejandro Carrasquel.

Dave Concepcion.

Frank Baker.

James "Hippo" Vaughn.

Ken Williams.

Vean Gregg.

Ben Chapman.

George Pipgras.

Lou Finney.

Luis Tiant.


Updated to 10-11-24

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