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Should I Get Mlb 2K10 For Pc?


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alright people just wondering if i should get mlb 2k10 for the pc im a big baseball fan from the uk and the only place i can get it cheap enough is from canada but if you guys could give me help deciding to get it or not? is it worth the money and is it as great as what people say it is? also if you guys know anywhere i can get the game elsewhere or download it? if you could help il be grateful.


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Howdy from Glasgow. :)

I wouldn't advise buying it right now. A patch is (hopefully) due in the next week or so, and that should hopefully address some of the issues, but there are no injuries or errors for the most part in the game, and there are quite a few major issues that 2K have basically said "It will be fixed next year" to.

So, knowing how much it'll cost to get it shipped from overseas, I'd recommend against buying 2K10 right now. Hell, I'd recommend against buying it for someone in the U.S., so there's no chance I'd recommend someone overseas buying it, when factoring in the retail price plus shipping charges.

If you were to acquire it by some other means, however, it's definitely worth a shot.

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ok cheers for the help i mean it looks like a fab game have u got mlb 2k10 or are you just a big fan of baseball? it would cost me £30 all together thats included with the P&P so i dont know if thats a good deal or what. I can not find no such place that sells MLB 2k10 i dont know why just cant find a place in the uk. Bit of a bummer really i suppose really looking forward to playing it aswell. :)

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Yeah, it looks good, but I compare it to a really hot chick that's just absolutely batshit insane. Well, 2K9 would be batshit insane...2K10 is more like hot, but just off her trolley. Hopefully, 2K11 will provide a game which not only looks good, but also plays well in all respects.

I have got 2K10, yep. I wouldn't even consider paying £30 for it. One of the online stores had a deal on Opening Day where U.S. customers (I don't think Canada was included, but I could be wrong) could purchase 2K10 for £3. IMO, even for $3, they still got ripped off.

I recommend finding a way to play it, but I wouldn't spend anything of value on it. For what it is, it's a good game, it's just not what we hoped it would be. It's a definite improvement on 2K9, but, to be honest, that's not saying much. If you're determined to play it one way or another, I'd suggest having a look around the internet.

If you're looking to part with £30 one way or another, it would probably be better spent on MVP '05. With the number of classic mods that have been made for it, it's worth closer to £300. The number of mods made for it have dropped off recently, but the sheer number of past mods that have been made, including mods for full seasons in baseball history, make it worth the money for that alone. Just have a look in the downloads section and you'll see what's available.

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Right well cheers for helping me i mean hopefully one way or another i can get a way of playing the game. £30 is alot of money for it i have to agree with you there but i think il have to stick with mlb 2k9 for now then i didnt find any problems with the game so i suppose its better than no baseball game at all. i doubt il even get it now though coz you cant get it anywhere in the uk unless someone sells a copy but thats a slim chance because its all about football over here aint it really. well cheers for the help and if you have any news at all about finding a cheap copy of the game if you could let me now il be grateful


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No worries mate. Sadly, yeah, the nation seems to be brainwashed by football. I'm already sick of seeing all the World Cup crap.

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He did suggest that he will continue to play 2k9, since he didn't have any problems with it. Still don't think 2k10 is that much better than 2k9 that its worth getting? I mean, since he enjoys 2k9, that is.

Its by no means a perfect game (or even one blown call away from being perfect), but it is fun. Sometimes its nice to load up just to take a few swings. Granted, I bought it for 3 US Dollars, so I do feel like I got my monies worth, but it does play well for single games and whatnot.

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  On 6/3/2010 at 9:12 PM, MarkB said:

No worries mate. Sadly, yeah, the nation seems to be brainwashed by football. I'm already sick of seeing all the World Cup crap.

I agree. But billions of people watch the damn World Cup... baseball, hockey and even basketball are just marginal and local sports compared to soccer. World Cup is crazy popular... I doubt you can go anywhere (besides the US) and try to hide from it. :D

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  On 6/4/2010 at 12:49 AM, apocalypse said:

I agree. But billions of people watch the damn World Cup... baseball, hockey and even basketball are just marginal and local sports compared to soccer. World Cup is crazy popular... I doubt you can go anywhere (besides the US) and try to hide from it. :D

More's the pity. :lol:

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hi, im one of those who cant get it in their country, so i had to download it for pc.

and oh yeah it the controls really do suck! me gamepad aint workin properly and i even had to kinda figure the keyboard controls, cause wot they write in their manual is sometimes wrong.

now, as a im playin My Player mode i really started to enjoy this game, as i got used to the keyboard controls!

my best game eva in my player mode was when i hit 4 homeruns 12 ribbies and 4 sb, the comentator ur tutor i mean was goin like, 12 RBI's u gotta be kidding me! LOOOOOL

so all together i dont regret it and would deffo buy it!

but as far as i cant get it in me country yeh, i gotta come here and download the roster updates :)

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yeah i would love to get mlb 2k10 but obviously canada is a looong looong looong way away and waiting for the game would do my head in real bad!!! mlb 2k9 is still alright for a baseball game i still play it bcoz i havent got anything else to play that is to do with baseball. What is the My Player mode like in the game though is it pretty cool altogether then? with the gameplay, creation of the player etc. Cheers

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to be honest mate i only play my player at the moment coz its so cool!

u start with low ratings, u earn skill points and make ur ratings higher, the higher the more skill points u need.

once uve proven ur good, u can even change the batting order because they trust u! LOL

u can change ur position all the time, u got a primary and a secondary position, as long as there is somone better at ur primary pos. u MUST play ur secondary pos.

then there are goals to achieve, like milestones (hit 1000 homeruns and so on), seasonal goals, team goals, player goals and hall of fame.

u dont play every inning, that would take to long, so some is simulated and some is played by u mate.

then there are drills u can do, like batting, fielding, sliding, plate battle and and and.

oh i forgot!

there are also stats over stats!!!! pretty interesting!

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  On 6/3/2010 at 9:12 PM, MarkB said:

No worries mate. Sadly, yeah, the nation seems to be brainwashed by football. I'm already sick of seeing all the World Cup crap.

We're brainwashed by American Football garbage, so it's not all rosy over here either. I'll take football, rugby union, or Ozzie Rules over American football any day.

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