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Actually, apparently someone almost hit the ball into the fricking river at the Great American Ballpark this past season, which was at least 550 feet. And of course you get the old stories about Babe Ruth smacking the ball 700 feet once but uh, no.

Used to love hitting the 575 shots in Ken Griffey Jr. Baseball for SNES. Good times, good times.

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i had back to back 650footers with ty cobb and honus wagner in coors....but how in the hell did u guys get ones 800 and 900+, thats insane, my 650's were total luck bc i hardly ever break 550....if u have visual proof, id be more than happy to see bc thats some crazy stuff

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Actually, apparently someone almost hit the ball into the fricking river at the Great American Ballpark this past season, which was at least 550 feet. And of course you get the old stories about Babe Ruth smacking the ball 700 feet once but uh, no.

Used to love hitting the 575 shots in Ken Griffey Jr. Baseball for SNES. Good times, good times.

Adam Dunn is who you are talking about, but it's not 550 feet where he hit it. It bounced to the river, but he didn't hit it in the river. There is a a big sidewalk and a road between the stadium and the river. It bounced a long way. I have saw Sammy Sosa hit them over the batter eye building in center during batting practice several times. I would say that 520 would be about right for the Dunn homer.

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Thanks jpup, I just vaguely heard about it a little while ago, I'm glad to get real confirmation from a Reds guy. Good for Dunn though, that's one heck of a bomb.

Though I'm relatively sure the longest home run, theoretically, should be hit at Coors, but oddly I don't remember hearing any particular blasts there. I would love my ignorance proven wrong however.

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it sounds like everyone but me can hit a home run easy. Its so hard for me to hit one.

Do you have a dual-stick control pad? The key to a home run, and this is coming from someone who is not exactly excellent at this game, is to push up-left on the control pad for righties (and obviously opposite for lefties) and just stay patient until you get an inside pitch. If you're on rookie mode, like 90% of hits will get out if you choose the right pitch. In All Star it's stil a pretty good number, you just need to wait on the pitch.

I mean, I've hit home runs with pitchers on fastballs up and in, including pitches that were a good couple of inches out of the strike zone. But if you get someone like Vlad Guerrero or Manny Ramirez or even Babe Ruth with a huge sweet spot, you can smoke balls well over 550 feet relatively easily.

It just takes practice, you'll get there. And it probably couldn't hurt to read a few of the FAQs at www.gamefaqs.com for MVP2k4, as there is some good intro hitting and pitching material there.

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the Dunn homer was 535 feet.

i dont know why i think its 501 feet. im pretty sure thats what i heard....then again i could just be thinking of a different homerun or player.

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i had back to back 650footers with ty cobb and honus wagner in coors....but how in the hell did u guys get ones 800 and 900+, thats insane, my 650's were total luck bc i hardly ever break 550....if u have visual proof, id be more than happy to see bc thats some crazy stuff

If you create a player named "Jacob Paterson" or "Keegan Paterson", then he will hit 800-900 foot bombs.

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Yes. Create a new player named "jacob paterson", "keegan paterson" or "isiah paterson" and he'll have a huge bat and hit the ball pretty hard. Home run almost every time.

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