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Manual, Assited, Automatic. Which fielding do you play with?


What fielding do you play with?  

62 members have voted

  1. 1.

    • Manual
    • Assisted
    • Automatic

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Just curious as to which fielding you guys play with. I always played with Automatic and just do the pitching and batting. But now i've started playing Assisted for about a week now and i like it a whole lot more than Automatic since the CPU will move to the ball and then i can control the player with the left joystick and decide how hard i want to throw the ball. And since i can move my SS or 2B to run and tag 2B and start a double play it's much better than Automatic. I know most of you will probably say you play with Manual but i just can't move the the player to the ball in time and i might be way off and then a double turns into a triple or an ITPHR. So what fielding do you guys play with?

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I always go with manual. There's no other way to go in my mind. Fielding is just as much a part of the game as hitting and pitching.

Just look at the career of Ozzie Smith! That guy had THE golden glove!

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I've only played with manual, but I've given up on using the right analog stick to make those "big" defensive plays. I just end up making some rediculously bad dives, usually away from the ball or about five feet short (definitely ESPN Not-Top-Ten Material).

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Assisted here. I'm not a 'hard core' MVP'er and haven't put the time into becoming a solid fielder. I've tried manual on several occassions and look just plain silly. I would run into a lot of cases where I'd think I was going to be controlling 1 player and ended up controlling a different player... running away from the ball instead of toward it. Manual fielding just wasn't enjoyable for me... and that's why we're playing this game: for enjoyment! :lol:

I also just got to the point with sliders and data files where I'm getting some really good games and I wouldn't want to throw a whole new dynamic into the mix.

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With assisted fielding, the CPU fields the ball, but you control throwing the ball to the proper base or to the cutoff man.

With automatic fielding, the CPU takes care of everything (fielding and throwing). I found (for me at least) that with automatic fielding, the CPU did not get rid of the ball soon enough after fielding it. This meant fewer double plays or close plays at first base.

Assisted fielding works best for me because I tended to make too many mistakes with manual fielding and I can control where the throws go.

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With assisted fielding, the CPU fields the ball, but you control throwing the ball to the proper base or to the cutoff man.

With automatic fielding, the CPU takes care of everything (fielding and throwing). I found (for me at least) that with automatic fielding, the CPU did not get rid of the ball soon enough after fielding it. This meant fewer double plays or close plays at first base.

Assisted fielding works best for me because I tended to make too many mistakes with manual fielding and I can control where the throws go.

yes, that is exactly why i use it, on throws home, i get 35% of them out, CPU, 5%

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1) the default speeds for the outfielders are too slow

2) I don't find fielding fun

3) I prefer to focus on the pitcher-batter interface and let the computer deal with the fielding. If I have a team of crappy fielders then its time to make some trades.

4) I SUCK at fielding so it doesn't produce a realistic major league game. (I Might play manual for fun in a minor league game since I can see them kicking it around the field :lol: )

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always have played manual on every game i have owned. believe it or not i have never robbed a homerun in a game. i do agree most of the time when you use big play controls you give up in the parkers and triples.

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I always play on manual becuase it gives you the a realistic feel for the game in a way. I tried the 989 game last year and it feels like Im almost not doing anything fielding wise. Just my 2 cents.

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  • 2 months later...

MVP??? What type of fielding is that ?? Never saw that opiton before, is it 2005 only?

Yes, MVP is for MVP05. You take total conrol with zero cpu assist.

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When I play on assisted fielding in MVP05 it does not make the playes for me. It just gets me ahead start in going the right way. You have to take control of the player or he will just stand there. I have not tried MVP fielding yet but I must try now. When fielding I just try to make the play cleanly because when I try to make an out standing play I always make errors and give up a triple or a inside the park homer. I tend to make more than one error when I miss the ball on a play. I try to make up for the bad play with a rocket to the base and end up messing up.

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