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Z-Mod / Oedit Problem


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Hey Guys,

So I finally was able to acquire a copy of Windows XP and got it home to install on a desktop PC. My intentions are to use this PC as a stadium-modding workstation and I successfully got everything installed (the game and every possible tool-files). I installed both Oedit and Z-Modeler 1 & 2 and they both ran fine.

My problem is that I unpacked Coors Field (coorday) and used ordtools to turn it into an mstadium.o file. I opened up the OIF Tool 2007 to convert (for Z-Mod use) and I get this error (SEE SCREENSHOT).


Also, I've tried to simply open my mstadium.o file in Oedit; and I get an error saying that "This is not a valid .o file!".

So after many months of finally getting this thing set up; I'm stuck at the starting gate...I've attached a zip file of my mstadium files that I turned into an mstadium.o file / along with the OIF Tool. Can anyone help me out so I can figure out what I'm doing wrong?



mstadium_Coors Field.zip

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Hey thanks redsox,

You know what, I think I am missing that. Would you happen to have that plug-in or could you point me in the right direction? In the meantime I will look for it myself. This might explain my problem.

Did you install the OIFTool plug-in?

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I know, right Joe? I must have watched his excellent Z-Mod tutorial videos about a doaen times all the way through since April of this year. I know I can do something with this as soon as I can get properly situated. :good:

Too bad rolie went AWOL. If I remember right, he had a firm grip on this program.

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I know, right Joe?  I must have watched his excellent Z-Mod tutorial videos about a doaen times all the way through since April of this year.  I know I can do something with this as soon as I can get properly situated. :good:

I have no doubt that you can. I'm looking forward to seeing what you can do.  :friends:

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Hey redsox,

Thanks again for your suggestion about the OIF plug-in; but nevermind finding it for me....I actually found it on a French Need For Speed Website in a Z-Mod conversion kit. Thankfully I remembered some French from high school to search for it and found it. I will definitely let you know later if the plug-in did the trick. :drinks:


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Yeah, you know I totally agree bro…that PDF nearly scared me away for good. :shok: After watching his great videos combined with my experience this summer with texture and ad (stadium) modding; I’m feeling more confident. About 10 years ago when I was in a totally different line of work; I had done some basic AutoCAD editing for my job at the time…so I have SOME grasp of the concepts. I can’t promise anything right now; but I would love to “create” or be able to edit a major stadium for the MVP Baseball ’11 project for the Fall/Winter.

Good luck Dennis, that Zmod thing is no joke. I read the .pdf and deleted everything from the download. :facepalm::facepalm:

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It is very intimidating at first. I was getting step by step help from Pirate last spring, and was making some progress on a new Yankee. There were a couple of things I still wasn't quite understanding when he stopped coming around. I dont blame him, but I really feel I was close to having everything I needed.

Either way, I fooled around with it for a few more days, but was stuck. I should have kept what I had for an instance like this, but I got frustrated and deleted it all.

Here is hoping you have some success at this. Stadium modelers are the main thing missing in getting that game back on it's feet, in my humble opinion.

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Well, I found and installed an OIF tool plug-in for ZModeler but the problem that I am still having is converting the mstadium.O file. Basically, I still cannot convert it to an .OIF file where I can bring it into Zmodeler 1 and 2 for editing.

Any further suggestions?

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OK guys, SUCCESS so far:


For whatever weird reason, I could not convert the Coors Field (coorday) at all. For the heck of it; I tried to convert Camden Yards and it worked fine. I'll have to try other stadiums out...but this is a positive start so far.

I still would appreciate any further suggestions if anyone wants to chime in. :clapping:

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How large is the mstadium file? in all likelihood, it's a zero-size file, because we learned long ago to use removable.o instead (as mstadium.o will cause missing vertices, whereas removable is permanent). For many of my parks, I even had to completely switch around alphablend, mstadium, removable, crowd.o, and net.o in a bizarre arrangement to get everything right.

It depends on the setup of the individual park, but after a short period of time you will pretty much figure out how to read each of the unpacked files.

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