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just Manage fully animated game?


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does anyone know if it will be possible to just manage (and not play) a fully animated game in 2005? or will we have to start the game and set to cpu vs. cpu and interupt play to make changes the way we did in 2004?

btw i have grown to love actually playing the games but it would be cool if this feature is included.

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Manage Mode sucked last year. :( I enjoyed just watching some games last year. I DOUBT they changed anything from last year.

The High Heat series allowed you to manage game while watching. That pretty was cool.

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There should be a manage mode(last years game had it) but we aren't sure if you'll be able to watch the game itsself or just control it from the manage screen they had last year.

I'm sorry, but I don't understand what you mean...so you can manage (i.e take pitch, shift fileders and stuff), but what is the differenece between that and watching like you said?

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Yea it;'s a bit confsuing,...what I mean is you can't manage the game and watch it as if you were playing it. There is a speicial almost box score/manage screen that you manage the games from

hmmmmm, so you aren't actually watching the game graphics? Is it like you are just reading text?

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somethign liek that. Ther ei s alittle animated screen showing like an Infield and stuff and some options on it. it's really hard to describe ha

yea, it sounds pretty lame though...why not just have real manage mode like ASB?

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Taken from a posting by RODKEY, from his data file tune

(It is possibleto play a "Manage Mode" this way - similar to what High Heat offers.

While allowing the CPU to control all pitching, batting, and fielding

you can take over at any time and make managerial moves. You can have

mound visits, make pitching changes, put in pinch hitters, make de-

fensive substitutions, etc.

You can even control the defensive alignment for infield and outfield.

Simply take control and set the alignment, then allow the CPU to do

the pitching. Your defensive alignments will stay as you set them until

the next batter comes up.

You can temporarily take control and make pitch-outs and execute in-

tentional walks. If you wish to call for a steal, I suggest taking over

batting control before your batter has two strikes. Then you can

manually send the runner(s) as your batter takes a pitch. You can call

for a bunt by taking over batting control and laying one down yourself.

I believe this style of play yields the most realistic results as far as

achieving a baseball "simulation" goes.)

This is how I play 90% of the time.. Hope it helps.

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