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Crash In 1927 Dynasty


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Hey All,

I was wondering if anyone else ran into this problem...I started a Yankees Dynasty for the 1927 TC Mod. Whether I actually try to play the game or sim it; it always crashes back to the desktop in the first week on the first season (April 9th). I tried using different teams (Athletics, Pirates, Cubs) with different settings and it always crashes on April 9th. I am also just using the default rosters too.

I apologize if I missed something and perhaps a Dynasty cannot be played on this mod; but if not...is there something I am missing?

Thanks Guys,


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Not that I know of, but I'm not exactly the most fluent when it comes to a lot of the Classics mods. It could be a scheduling issue if it's happening with more than one team, as that rules out rosters, portraits, facepacks etc.

Maybe someone with more experience in the Classics mods can offer an opinion.

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I just tried simming the first month of the season with all four teams you mentioned (I started 4 separate dynasties) and there were no crashes.

I will bet that the issue is due to some of your dynasty settings, and I'm guessing that your "CPU Initiated Trades" setting is set to ON.

When running a dynasty in the Total Classics mods, you need to turn off Injuries, Suspensions, CPU Initiated Trades and Rainouts. This will guarantee that neither your team rosters nor your schedule will change without action on your part (e.g. making a 1 for 1 trade). The following is in the TC1927 Readme file:

If you play a dynasty, it is HIGHLY recommended that you TURN OFF trades & injuries to maintain the opening day 25 man rosters intact throughout the season.

On my dynasties, I also turn off Trade Deadline, Energy Level and Team Chemistry, but that's just my personal preference.

As a test, I started a 1927 Yankees dynasty with all of the setting above EXCEPT that I turned CPU Initiated Trades on. I brought up the schedule and tried to sim to April 12th. Sure enough, on April 9th the game crashed.

Change your dynasty settings to the ones listed above and let me know if this fixes your problem.

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