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Mvp 2K5 Updated Roster


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Also note, from the MVP 08 readme, that you can use image files to install it, so long as they are legit images that you made from original discs.

Just bought MVP Baseball 2k5 for $25. Do you think that is a good buy?

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I know this is not the correct thread, but now talking about 08 mvp mod, can someone tell me if i can put the default batter camera and fielding from mvp 2005 to this mvp 08 mod? I downloaded the one that Dylan suggested and wow, i dont like it. I prefer the default cams from mvp 2005

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I know this is not the correct thread, but now talking about 08 mvp mod, can someone tell me if i can put the default batter camera and fielding from mvp 2005 to this mvp 08 mod? I downloaded the one that Dylan suggested and wow, i dont like it. I prefer the default cams from mvp 2005

Sure, you can use any datafile you want.

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Trues, btw, do u know what roster update should i download? I was about to download searching roster that is updated up to 9/21 and includes minor league, theres another better than that one? For mvp 2008 mod.

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You made out like a bandit, especially when the price on release day back in February of 2005 was $29.99.

Well back to my topic....

I just learned today that MVP Baseball 2k5 deal on ebay just gave me a $5 promo so I really paid 19 bucks for the game :)

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I got the MVP Baseball game and installed the 2008 mod. Everything worked great! Except for one thing? It was with the 2008 roster. How do I update that to the latest roster?

I did a reinstall and installed the 2k10 to 2k5 install with facepack. Did not work! Kept crashing....

So its back to the 2008 mod! Again how do I update the 2008 roster to the current 2k10 MLB and MiLB rosters?

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