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Yankee Stadium (1920s version)


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File Name: Yankee Stadium (1920s version)

File Submitter: dennisjames71

File Submitted: 01 Nov 2010

File Category: Stadiums

Version: 1.0

Ok guys, here's the scoop on this one...I wanted to get this one out there for everyone to use and to enjoy but the field on this one has me mystified. I had wanted to get rid of the "box" shape in the home plate area. I tried everything I could think of in the Z-Mod realm with no luck. I will continue to look into this issue to get the stadium looking as accurate as possible and if I make progress, it will be released as an updated version. :hi:

In either case, I hope everyone enjoys this Yankee Stadium update for use with the 1927 TC Mod. Copy the .TXT files to your /data folder for proper data/collision info.

Click here to download this file

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Hey thanks guys, I have really enjoyed playing the 1927 TC Mod in this stadium lately. It seems to have more of a 1920s feel. Glad you guys are digging this one. :good:

Wait a minute... We actually get to play games? We don't HAVE to just mod all the time??? Doh! :facepalm:

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Lol! Yeah, no kidding Jim. After all of the stadiums an miscellaneous stuff from the spring and summer; I tried to take a break. Started a couple of dynasties; but now I can't just stay away. It's actually great when I get a chance to actually play the game. :crazy:

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Very nice work, Dennis. When I get home, I'll try to remember to download this and take a look at it to see if we can get rid of the box around home plate.

Regardless, it looks fantastic. :good:

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Hey thanks Mark, I appreciate your offer if you can figure anything with the dreaded box at home plate. In either case; I hope you enjoy playing it in the 1927 Mod. :good:

Very nice work, Dennis. When I get home, I'll try to remember to download this and take a look at it to see if we can get rid of the box around home plate.

Regardless, it looks fantastic. :good:

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  • 1 month later...

Ok, now that I'm back in a more official capacity, I think we can very easily at least move these updated ads to my newer version of Yankee Stadium. It's still very different from how Yankee Stadium really was in the 20s, but it's the best we can do without a lot of work at all.

Download my Yankee Stadium 1946, unpack it, and then use nfshtool on the cram32. There's one or two (can't remember offhand) images with the ads in it. If you just use photoshop to put the 1920s ads in this format, without changing the dimensions, it'll just work.

Any questions, let me know.

Also, now that I'm thinking about it, you can do the same for the 1970s version of my Shibe Park. It may require a little bit of tweaking in oedit, but you should be able to replace the ads I made for the 70s with the 1920s version. Then if you want to tweak the wall to get rid of the Spite Fence, it'll be even closer. Hell, if you want to remove the upper deck in the RF/LF corners and LF outfield, it'd be perfect.

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Hey Sean,

Thanks very much for your advice on this. I will definitely give this a try this weekend and let you know how it went. I made the ads with both Illustrator and Photoshop but I "placed" them with Photoshop/guides only. I appreciate the input of a stadium master like you. :good:


Ok, now that I'm back in a more official capacity, I think we can very easily at least move these updated ads to my newer version of Yankee Stadium. It's still very different from how Yankee Stadium really was in the 20s, but it's the best we can do without a lot of work at all.

Download my Yankee Stadium 1946, unpack it, and then use nfshtool on the cram32. There's one or two (can't remember offhand) images with the ads in it. If you just use photoshop to put the 1920s ads in this format, without changing the dimensions, it'll just work.

Any questions, let me know.

Also, now that I'm thinking about it, you can do the same for the 1970s version of my Shibe Park. It may require a little bit of tweaking in oedit, but you should be able to replace the ads I made for the 70s with the 1920s version. Then if you want to tweak the wall to get rid of the Spite Fence, it'll be even closer. Hell, if you want to remove the upper deck in the RF/LF corners and LF outfield, it'd be perfect.

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