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More Walk-Up Music Issues


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Hey All,

I am having some more issues with trying to add/replace batter walk-up music for TC 1927 specifically.

First off, I wanted to ask the walk-music experts…What are the specifics (settings) you guys use for making your audio selections before they are converted to ASF? I normally use Sony’s Sound Forge 10 and I’ve tried the save my 6-8 second selections of songs to:

• MP3 format

• 128kb / 112kb / 96kb (tried all 3 with no luck)

• Stereo

That gets my selections down to the 120kb range in file size; but as soon as I convert them to ASF…they jump back up to over 350kb (+) in file size, which always seems to be too large for my liking with the “Walk-Up Music Changer” program. Also, I was wondering if it’s advisable to save the file in MONO rather than stereo…would there be much noticeable difference in the game?

My 2nd issue is that I tried to just import my selections which were slightly too big and I knew they would be ‘clipped’. I used the 2 ASFs I made to import them into the 10 POP slots in TC 1927 (1 ASF for 5 slots). So all POP slots have my created ASFs and I made sure that all the Yankees players are using the POP music slot for their music. When I start the game and played 5 innings…I get the same/original Walk-Up music. I checked that the BATDIT.ast file and it was updated to today’s date, so it tells me something was changed; yet there is no evidence of any changes.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, :help:


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Hey emath, not a waste at all...I appreciate any info that helps to solve this mystery. That makes sense because saving it in MONO would literally cut the file size in half. Thank you for your input. :hi:

Man, I hate to waste your time with this, because I really can't remember. However, it seems like it was supposed to be in mono. Hopefully someone else can verify this for you though.

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I wasn't able to get online yesterday (more snow removal and busy with work I brought home). I've got notes at home on editing walkup music. Let me look through them and I'll see if I can help you. I've gotten to be pretty good at changing walkup music so I'm sure I can help you out.

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Sincere thanks Jim. I couldn't understand why I was having such a difficult time with something that seemed so straight-forward. I figured it would be about as simple as changing the Intro/Between-inning music, but that's doesn't seem to be the case. It's great to know that you are an expert on this (and pretty much everything else in MVP land).

I wasn't able to get online yesterday (more snow removal and busy with work I brought home). I've got notes at home on editing walkup music. Let me look through them and I'll see if I can help you. I've gotten to be pretty good at changing walkup music so I'm sure I can help you out.

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Can you show us how you are converting your mp3 to .asf format?

Try this using the sx application:

sx -sndstream -rs19500 <filename>.wav -.asf -mt_blk

instead of -sndstream, you might try -ps2stream

Depending on the file, one or the other might produce a slightly smaller file.

The -rs switch will resample your audio. Adjust it down until it just fits. This along with changing your audio stream to mono should do the trick.

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Hey Joel,

Thanks a ton for your suggestion. I was previously using the ‘Ditty Importer’ program which I realized doesn’t offer any way to control your settings. I tried the SX application with the default –rs switch and converted my .mp3 to .ASF and it worked perfectly. My ASFs are now in the 120kb file-size range and they ‘fit’ just fine when I use the Walk-Up Music Changer program.

Now, I’m still having my 2nd problem <above> with actually hearing the changed music in the game. Perhaps I’m doing something wrong at this stage; my steps in the Walk-Up Music Changer program are:

• I set my MVP2005.exe file from my TC 1927 folder/install

• I click each (at a time) “POP” selection from the list on the left.

• I click the ‘Insert ASF’ button and select the ASF I made for all of the ‘POP’ selections.

• For each one it says that it was completed successfully.

• I close program and check that the BATDIT.ast file is updated (date-wise).

Still, when I start and play a game in TC 1927; the default Walk-Up music plays when each player comes up to bat. Since I was able to keep my ASFs down to the allowable size; I did not change the music to MONO…would that be the reason why I can’t hear it in the game?

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Do you have access to the NHL ASF Studio? It's a suite of applications written by a Russian programmer. They were meant for the NHL series but some of them work just fine with the MVP audio series. It does an awesome job with the .AST files. If you can't get it, let me know and I'll send them to you.

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Do you have access to the NHL ASF Studio? It's a suite of applications written by a Russian programmer. They were meant for the NHL series but some of them work just fine with the MVP audio series. It does an awesome job with the .AST files. If you can't get it, let me know and I'll send them to you.

Dennis - This is what I have been meaning to send you along with my notes. It's the tool I use all the time for batter walkup music. I apologize for taking so long and I WILL provide more to you soon. Here is a link to the NHL07ASFStudio download here at MVPMods: http://www.mvpmods.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=3834

I've also attached a Word document that contains a post that was on MVPMods a few years ago (although I can't find it anymore) along with some notes I added at the end. Hopefully this is enough to get you going. I will send along some more comments when I get a chance.

How to create your own batter walkup music.doc

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Hey no worries at all Jim. I really appreciate all the input I've gotten from you and OTBJoel on this issue. I plan on trying this all out when I get home tonight and I will report back with my results. Thanks again for taking the time. :clapping:

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Well thanks to Jim and OTBJoel's great information; everything was a huge success! To everyone out there...don't bother with the MVP Walk-Up Music Changer program (complete waste of time). The NHL ASF Utility will do the trick for sure. Thank you guys a million times for your time and your help. :clapping:

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  • 3 years later...

Does anyone still have the NHL07ASFStudio tool? The link in the DL section is dead. I want to make a walk-up music file that basically has no walk up music. Therefore I assume I'm needing to make a file using a silent mp3 that's converted so the game doesn't crash.

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