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Mvp 05 And Windows 7.....help!


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what have you tried, what are you getting when you try it?

I have tried using the compatibilty view, admin rights.....I just keep getting the message, "MVP Baseball has stopped working" and program need to be terminated.


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Is this a fresh install ?

at what point do you get the message? after clicking to begin the program, after opening video, after trying to start dynasty?

did you just upgrade to Windows 7 or is this a new PC? If this is new PC, and you are trying to install MVP with MOD, maybe try MVP without mod and see if that is the problem.

I really dont think I will be getting you a fix, as I dont have W7. and so Ive never ahd a problem running anything on W7. but the answers to these questions can help the next guy along who does know something about W7. and get you going faster.......:D

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This is exactly why I switched back to XP... too many old games stopped working. Actually I moved back from Vista... it was a piece of garbage. People say W7 is a bit better in this regard though.

I never understood people's obsession to install new OS just for the sake of it... of course it's different when you buy a new PC that already has that system installed.

XP is still the best gaming system... the only downside is that you can only utilize 3 Megs of RAM.... but all brand new games run great with it.

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Im running my MVP on a vista machine with no problems, ever. I am leaning twords he has either a bad install, or a bad mod install, but im no expert at these things, I am trying to help him along though.

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Is this a fresh install ?

at what point do you get the message? after clicking to begin the program, after opening video, after trying to start dynasty?

did you just upgrade to Windows 7 or is this a new PC? If this is new PC, and you are trying to install MVP with MOD, maybe try MVP without mod and see if that is the problem.

I really dont think I will be getting you a fix, as I dont have W7. and so Ive never ahd a problem running anything on W7. but the answers to these questions can help the next guy along who does know something about W7. and get you going faster.......:D

I get the message when I try to run the game. it was a clean install on a new machine (Alienware Area 51)

The only things I have loaded into the game are the patches, 2-5 (can't find 1) and the MVP 2007 conversion mod.

Everything went smothely, no conflicts. the game just wont run!

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you might try to see if just a fresh install of the game without mods runs. the other thing is to make sure your firewall or antivirus isn't blocking it. otherwise, you can give me the laptop :)

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try click with right mouse button on MVP05 icon, then Properities - > Compability - > Then check Run this program in compability mod with Windows XP

a few months ago worked for me, hope this helps

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  • 1 month later...

I am having the same problem and it is literally driving me crazy. I never had a problem when I had vista. A friend said windows 7 was so much better so I went to it and it is nothing special

Back to the problem, I have tried everything and I am getting the message "MVP baseball requires direct x 9 and hardware graphcis accelerator". I never had a problem on vista playing MVP 05. I have installed directx every way I can and I still come up short. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

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Chances are that it is not installing properly, or the game would recognize that you have at least DX9.

A few common problems with Win 7 x64 (which I run)

If, you're not careful, the MVP '05 installation will always put the game in the C:\Program Files (x86)\EA SPORTS folder. This is problematic, because it is difficult to configure TiT (and sometimes Windows) to recognize an installation to a folder other than Program Files\EA SPORTS\MVP 05. Therefore, it is best if you simply install MVP baseball to the NON-(x86) version of the folder: C:\Program Files\EA SPORTS

Homer has a few crash tips:

7. typical game crashes. though is indicative, but not 100%:

a. while the initial splash screen is loading = a roster problem, or you're using an illegal version of the game. did you edit the all star teams? did you create some players, and if so, do you now have more than 3250 guys on the roster? did you assign a generic face above 915?

b. while at the uniform select screen = possible problem with the uniform portraits

c. mini game (HR derby, batting, pitching) = your roster is missing shane reynolds (actually his id #0f844e070). the original game uses him for these games, so if he's missing from your roster, someone else needs to have his player id#.

d. the loading screen right before the game starts = stadium or models.big or overlay problem. cyberfaces might not be compressed. your system might not be able to handle the combination of the stadium or the 2x uniforms or the overlay.

e. the game loads, but you only see a couple screens of the field before it crashes = cyberface problem. most likely a compression issue.

f. a guy in the game has a face that looks like it's a picasso painting = cyberface id. you have an 05 cyberface, but have the id set to yes as an 04, or vice versa.

Make sure that vertical sync is enabled . . . I have a much faster and better system than I did 2 years ago, but all of my games with are 3 years older or more are often distorted by the speed of my new system. Usually, enabling vertical sync will fix this. Check your video card's setting's window.

Most often, however, intercompatibility is specific to a specific computer set: list your specs, installation location, etc. E.G.:

MVP 05 and all mods work properly on my system. MVPEdit needed an OCX update first though

Installed to: C:\Program Files\EA SPORTS

Windows 7 -64 bit

Dual Core 3.16 GB processor, Intel

4 GB DDR2 RAM Gaming memory

GTX 460 1 GB Hawk Talon Attack Video Card, DX 11, Driver checked and updated monthly

Game installed via DVD-RW drive

NOTE: For the sake of the MVP '05 community, I would love to help out anyone having problems running the game, but if you have a bootleg copy, don't ask me to help you with a workaround. Sadly, there are no more copies of MVP '05 being manufactured, but this does not give you licence to usurp the hard work of others: it is an insult to EA SPORTS and the modding community. If you are unable to obtain a legitimate copy of MVP '05, try ebay, or just suffer in silence until EA SPORTS finally chooses to lead us out of the bondage of 2K and back to the promised land of a believable source engine. :yahoo:


Edited by chrisgooverthere
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I have a legal copy of MVP 05 and can't get it to run on my Windows 7 x64 ultimate system. My specs are as follows:

Alienware M17x R2, Intel i7 620M, 8gb DDR3 1066 Ram, 2x 1GB ATI 5870s in Crossfire, 2x 500gb SATA II Hard Drives in Raid 0, and DX11. I have tried to install it and play with and without the 5870s in crossfire mode. It shows the small box during load and crashes everytime. Any help would be appreciated.

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NOTE: For the sake of the MVP '05 community, I would love to help out anyone having problems running the game, but if you have a bootleg copy, don't ask me to help you with a workaround. Sadly, there are no more copies of MVP '05 being manufactured, but this does not give you licence to usurp the hard work of others: it is an insult to EA SPORTS and the modding community. If you are unable to obtain a legitimate copy of MVP '05, try ebay, or just suffer in silence until EA SPORTS finally chooses to lead us out of the bondage of 2K and back to the promised land of a believable source engine. :yahoo:


I love it:good:

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I have a legal copy of MVP 05 and can't get it to run on my Windows 7 x64 ultimate system. My specs are as follows:

Alienware M17x R2, Intel i7 620M, 8gb DDR3 1066 Ram, 2x 1GB ATI 5870s in Crossfire, 2x 500gb SATA II Hard Drives in Raid 0, and DX11. I have tried to install it and play with and without the 5870s in crossfire mode. It shows the small box during load and crashes everytime. Any help would be appreciated.

Clean install? What mods (if any)? And have you tried running it in XP mode? I had to permanently tell my compy to run MVP "as administrator" so that it would have the access it needs to files . . . for some reason Win7 sometimes interrupts file access for MVP.


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Thanks for answering Chris. I tried XP mode but this mode isn't designed for graphic intensive applications. It was a clean install with the 2 discs.

Actually, running something in XP mode is merely designed to rectify any inter-compatibility issues that there may be with the game. It usually doesn't work, but its worth a try. Graphics shouldn't have anything to do with it.

As for your problem, it sounds to me like you may have the problem of limited access. Have you tried running the game "as administrator"? Right click on the '05 shortcut, go to properties, and for permissions, click "change for all users." This will give you the option to select and apply the "always run as administrator" route. Note that if you did this correctly, a little box will pop up every time you run the game asking if you wan't to allow '05 to make changes to your system. Click yes, and this will allow '05 unlimited access to all of your computer's files . . . something that 7x64 may or may not do by default for '05.


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Well BaltColts, there is always Virtual PC. The program is free, and I personally never figured out how to set it up (I solved my problem through different routes), but it basically simulates an enterely different system within your current OS.

Worth a try?


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  • 1 year later...

Hi, and I just got a copy of MVP 2005 from ebay (clean install, no mods, Alienware Aurora A-3), like new, and game won't run after installation. Tried everything that's been suggested save virtual PC and no getting around it, Any help appreciated.

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Hi, and I just got a copy of MVP 2005 from ebay (clean install, no mods, Alienware Aurora A-3), like new, and game won't run after installation. Tried everything that's been suggested save virtual PC and no getting around it, Any help appreciated.

Have you tried running the game in Administrative mode?

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