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Shortened Schedules in MVP2004


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First off,

I'm a long time lurker here. I want to thank everyone who made the great mods here which serve to make MVP an awesome game.

I noticed that EA included in the data folder shortened schedules in the data folder (i.e. sched60g.dat). I was wondering if anyone has tried to use these as the default schedule to create a shortened schedule, or does this crash the program?

Second, one can only speculate, but I wonder why EA would include these files and then not make use of them?

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When I open them in notepad they do look like shortened schedules. There is one for 15, 30, and 60 games, it appears. I was curious if anyone has tried them as the default schedule and if so, does this crash the program?

Maybe I'll try right now.

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Yeah, I tried them myself and found they work without crashing the program. However, a couple of things to keep in mind:

1) The minor leagues will still be using the full schedules. The sched3a.dat and sched2a.dat files contain the minor league games. If you don't care much for minor league games, these can be edited down by simply deleting some or most of the games on the schedule through notepad. Otherwise, you may have a shortened MLB schedule but still forced to sim through all the minor league games which is a pain.

2) When I tried it, the 60 game schedule was fine for 2 years and then reverted back to a 162 game schedule in year 3. This is because the game alternates between three schedules which are outlined in Sched03.dat, Sched02.dat and Sched04.dat. The 3 schedules are necessary because of inter-league play. I bet if you replaced all three of those files with the 60 game schedule you could play every year in dynasty at 60 games if you wanted. (You woul end up with the same sched every year though, as a downside, including playing the same teams in interleague--but if you were ambitious you could edit the schedule).

3) You can also edit the sched files manually and end the season at a particular date but you may not have all the teams playing the exact same amount of games (i.e. on Jul 1, one team may have played 80 games while another may have played 82).

4) back-up the sched files if you are going to replace them :)

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Ok Dumb I know but how do you edit the Schedules? When I click on the Data folder it has a couple of Numbers & lines or something..

I figure you have to change it to notepad, but how?

I also wish MVP could sim a season realisticly. when I simmed a season using total classis the Era's were toooo high. I imported the 95 braves into Classic & Maddox had a Era over 5.. Not Real!

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