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I am attempting to realign the divisions. How do I switch teams from division to division?

You edit the team.dat file in your database folder and change the divisions (and if you need them leagues) under each column (for league = 4 team_league, division =5 team_division).

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As Dylan said, you need to edit your team.dat file, with value 4 being the team league and value 5 being the team division. For major league teams, value 4 can be set as follows:

0 = American League

1 = National League

For major league teams, value 5 can be set as follows:

0 = AL West

1 = AL Central

2 = AL East

3 = NL West

4 = NL Central

5 = NL East

For those who are interested, the way we make teams "disappear" in the Total Classics mods is to assign minor league settings to the teams we don't want in the major leagues. For example, in TC1978, Arizona (and other teams) have their division set to 10 and their league set to 25.

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