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2011 Rosters


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Looking around I see that there are currently 2 rosters for 2011 and 1 that it appears a group of people are working on (thanks in advance). From what I am seeing in the comments for the 2 rosters currently available, they both are having problems with crashing. Have either of the rosters been fixed, or for example does the one (can't rememeber if it is TL's or Grmrprs) still need to be used with a clean install of 05 (not the 08 Mod)?

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Looking around I see that there are currently 2 rosters for 2011 and 1 that it appears a group of people are working on (thanks in advance). From what I am seeing in the comments for the 2 rosters currently available, they both are having problems with crashing. Have either of the rosters been fixed, or for example does the one (can't rememeber if it is TL's or Grmrprs) still need to be used with a clean install of 05 (not the 08 Mod)?

Both rosters have a windows 7 imposed glitch which interacts with overly-edited files. They will NOT crash if you go through each team in MVPedit and smooth out the quirks that have gotten lost in translation. I have no idea why this glitch happens, but these rosters (TL by ar_key, and Grmrprs) are currently the best thing available and well worth a download. Because much of the crashing is due to poor interaction with data files (for some hindu-heretical god-forsaken we-can't-understand reason) particular to your own MVP install, I couldn't tell you what must universally be fixed. I DO know that there are "crash" forum threads which provide a step-by-step troubleshooting walkthrough for smoothing your install.

In general: yes there are glitches, but they are easily fixed by personalizing the rosters yourself through MVPedit

In particular: We're working on the problem and future rosters will (hopefully) not have this quirk.


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