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Game Aint All Its Cracked Up To Be


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things i noticed is: cpu pitchers have a big advantage in that at least 80 percent of the time they throw junk balls out of the strike zone to get you to chase. you can't hit balls that are out of the zone , even if they are close to the zone. and cpu batters just about never will swing at a ball that is out of the zone , even if it is close. a guy can have an all star team and be playing against the worst cpu team in the league and one game you can pound them 10 to 0. next game it seems like you can't get a hit barely and they are whacking your best pitcher in the league left and right even when you are pitching perfect as you can. when a mistake ball is pitched by you(when the circle pops up in the strike zone), almost every time it gets whacked for a hit , if not a homer , no matter how good or bad the batter is. and a lot of the time when the cpu pitches a mistake ball you do not get a hit. end of rant.

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replace cpu with real life baseball player,

and you sound like a real life player trying to get a grip on the game that just eludes them. kinda like every player who ever played the game. I think your complaints are actually what makes the game great. Why play a game your going to win 15-0 every single time you turn it on?

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mistake pitches in "real life" get hit hard dont they? so why are you complaining? and if you hate the game so much why did you bother joining this site and posting about it.

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i'm not saying i hate the game. the game is cool, i just noticed those things. they can be frustrating sometimes.in some ways those things mentioned above make the game not so realistic. i bought the game not too long ago and played about a season and a half so far. also it seems like boston always has the highest game winning percentage. when playing the game the way it is , it seems quite difficult to catch that first place team as they win a high percentage of games. not only boston but any of the division leaders.i made it in from wildcard last season and lost in second round. this season i been in second place the whole time and it just feels impossible to catch the cardinals.

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One of the nice things about the game is that you can modify various settings to change gameplay. For example, you can adjust the sliders to make it harder/easier for you to hit and harder/easier for the CPU to hit. You can modify pitching, you can modify stealing and baserunning, you can modify fielding, you can modify all sorts of things.

There are also quite a few datafiles posted here that will modify the game. Now that you've played quite a few games, take note of what you think are the main problems, and then experiment with some slider adjustments. There is a slider tutorial posted here somewhere.

You'll never get it perfect but you can get it to behave more closely to how you see baseball reality. Good luck!

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you should try out some of the different mods. i get what you're saying, which is why i think you just need more practice. i find the game extremely easy, even on the highest settings.

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yea i am rather new to the game yet. generally it is great and addicting.i am trying not to mess with sliders if i don't have to as i am hanging in there. though i was thinking of slowing the cpu base stealing speed . i never seem to be able to get them . i swear at times i have started throwing the ball before they even took off. anyone pitched with wakefield? he seems bizzare compared to the other pitchers, like his pitch meter and pitches are really slow.then his pitch meter suddenly speeds up at times. also only 3 different pitch types , but he does a hell of a job.

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...and yet, here you are on an MVP Baseball modding site...

And he hasn't been a member here for a month yet and he knows all about the game. I think I'll avoid this guy from here on out since he already knows everything.

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yeah, you have to definitely adjust the sliders for steals, or else it's near impossible to throw anyone out. i turn the steal delay down a couple of notches. if you're using the stock ratings, that explain why it doesn't seem realistic to you. try messing with it, but keep it more difficult. as you get better at the game, you can adjust them more.

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  • 2 weeks later...

yea i am rather new to the game yet. generally it is great and addicting.i am trying not to mess with sliders if i don't have to as i am hanging in there. though i was thinking of slowing the cpu base stealing speed . i never seem to be able to get them . i swear at times i have started throwing the ball before they even took off. anyone pitched with wakefield? he seems bizzare compared to the other pitchers, like his pitch meter and pitches are really slow.then his pitch meter suddenly speeds up at times. also only 3 different pitch types , but he does a hell of a job.

Razmat, the game has a lot more challenge than you think it does. If you think I'm kidding, trying the hardest mode you can try and see if you're still singing the same tune. You can adjust just about everything in the game to your liking. This is, IMHO, one of the best baseball games ever made. The Show and 2K11 are great and all but for accuracy and playability, this game cannot be beat.

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Hey I played every game for entire season once, and lost 60 games, on vanilla settings. so its not like you cant loose. There is challenge. heres a challenge I give myself every game. Try to get a walk. I think in those 162 games, I had my batters get walks maybe 8 times. ( about 100% of the reason was i couldnt NOT swing, but hey)

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