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Audio Issue With Latest TC46, TC51 And TC56 Audio


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stecropper pointed out to me that there was an audio issue with my latest updates to Total Classics 1946, 1951 and 1956. These updates incorporate OTBJoel's Legends From the Booth mod. You can't simply install Joel's mod on top of these Total Classic mods because in Joel's mod, the modern day team and stadium names are announced. I had to modify the team and stadium audio files to move things around so that the announcers say the classic team and stadium names.

The error that stecropper pointed out is that the automated installer does not copy the new pbpdat.big file to the data/audio/cd/spch_pbp folder. This means that your play-by-play audio will be incorrect. The pbpdat.big file IS included with the mods. The installer just doesn't copy it over. You can easily correct the problem by manually copying this one file to the data/audio/cd/spch_pbp folder. If you're not sure how to do this, look at the Manual Installation section of the Installation Instructions included with each of these TC mods.

I have fixed the installer for all three mods and uploaded the packages again last night, but anyone who downloaded TC46, TC51 or TC56 between late Friday night and early this morning will experience this issue if they use the automated installer.

I am also just about done with Legends from the Booth Add-on packages for TC46, TC51 and TC56. This will allow current users of TC46, TC51 and TC56 to simply download and install the audio updates rather than have to re-download the full versions of each mod all over again.

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  • 6 months later...

Hey Jim,

Concerning Legends from the Booth...............

Ever since I installed the latest version............

His name (the Mick) has been "Mickey" ESCOBAR!!

I did instal it in the majority of my mods.

Any fix?

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