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Since I probably won't be getting 2005 until the price drops after a while, I'd like to make 2004 single player playable.....but this is very frustrating gameplay wise. It seems that the cpu hits just about everything I throw to the play regardless of what pitcher or what pitch. What am I doing wrong? What levels should I be playing on? Do you set the same for both cpu and player (pro/pro, etc.)? What about game tuning? I'd really like to make this realistic since some of the mods are really very good. I'd also like to have a balance of success and failure. Right now it just feels like I'm delivering up batting practice for the cpu!!

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if you have a good fastball they will chase a high fastball

but right down the middle NO, it will get crushed

with a good slider they will chase it on the corner

just play around with the pitches, see what way they break and try to get them to chase them the way they break

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Working the corners is very important. Any pitches right down the middle will be likely slammed by the CPU. If you have two strikes on a batter try throwing a pitch just outside the strike zone and make the CPU chase. A sinking pitch is always great on two strikes if your pitcher has a great sinking pitch (Mussina's knucklecurve comes to mind). And sliders are my fav as you can get them to swing inside or outside the strike zone.

If you are really new to the game, try rookie. Otherwise just keep practicing on Pro.

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As mentioned.... NEVER throw down the middle. Work the corners. For good strike-out pitches...

High Fastball

Slider Low and Outside

Changeup inside

Curveball in the dirt

If you set up the pitches, the computer will chase. Also, don't be afraid to walk somebody. Working the corners I usually walk a couple of batters per game, but that happens when you avoid the center of the plate.

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