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MVP 2005 is almost here...

The H

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And before it arrives, I just wanted to write a couple of lines.

I haven't touched MVP 2004 since early August of last year, right before my accident... until yesterday, when I decided to re-install it to check a couple of things. After updating it with the four official patches, I played a few of games. The game per se, after those four patches, was enjoyable. The choppiness was a lot less noticeable and the game felt a bit better than how I remember it before.

Yet, looking at the uniforms, stadiums, cyberfaces and the few inaccuracies I was able to catch in the five games I played (both in gameplay and presentation), I just stopped... and started thinking about what an awesome job members of this community do with all the mods, rosters updates and apps they put out there... it makes the experience much more enjoyable.

To wrap things up, I just wanted to say to all of you guys... THANKS! :)... and Trues, that includes you too, because you gave us all a 'home' with the creation of MVPMods.

I really think 2005 will fulfill our expectations... so I guess we just need to wait now for those two words we always hear at the beggining of every ballgame...


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I haven't seen any release date updated on the sites that I could buy it from, so I'm still probably going to have to wait another week seeing as how I didn't pre-order like I said, thinking that something like this would happen. I'll look in EB on Friday, but I doubt they'll have it (and if they did it would probably more then I shpuld pay).

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