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Mlb 2K10 Roster Editor Code?

Joey Kirby

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Is there anyone here that knows their MLB 2K10 Roster Editor User Name and Code, If you are not playing MLB 2K10 and still know your code, then it would be awesome if I could use someones. I'm not to high on money because I am a teenagers, and my mother isn't to fond on buying things over her internet with credit card.

So could someone lend me theirs, please?

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Is there anyone here that knows their MLB 2K10 Roster Editor User Name and Code, If you are not playing MLB 2K10 and still know your code, then it would be awesome if I could use someones. I'm not to high on money because I am a teenagers, and my mother isn't to fond on buying things over her internet with credit card.

So could someone lend me theirs, please?

Sure, I can help.

Username: Panhandler

Password: Gogetajob

I honestly don't see what the big deal is..

Ok Skinflint, I'll explain it to you. This is a program that is the sole property of tywiggins and he sells it to people that have a need for it on these two websites for a small fee. When you buy his roster editor for the amount of ten dollars the license is for whoever buys this program and that's it. It's a single license fee and if you can't scrape up ten dollars or if Mommy Dearest doesn't want to buy it for you then that's it. That's what the big deal is.

Well if other people gave out money for it, why should they give it away for free afterwards. Obviously you can't even afford 10 dollars. Now just imagine. You have a code for a roster editor and then someone pops up and begins begging for a code on a forum like this one, would you give your code away? I know the answer already and I will tell you no secret when I say that it will "No!". So why do you start asking for a code. Just buy it yourself. I bet you wouldn't even donate 10 dollars if it was for some help of people.

Well I don't see what the big deal is, if one person uses it then passes on the code to the next, because he is out $10 it is a big deal? Well according to you $10 is a small fee, so whats the big deal?

Plain and simple - It's just the wrong thing to do.

By your reasoning then, I could buy one copy of a game, and then give it to all my friends to install on their PCs. Or better yet, I could simply post it on a torrent site so anyone could download it without having to pay for it.

It's called software piracy. Whether it's $10 or $100 it's the same thing. It might not be a big deal to the person who bought it (and shares it with others), but it's certainly a big deal to the person selling it. I can't make it any clearer than that.

From the responses you've gotten, I think it's pretty clear that no one is going to give you a user name and password. It's time to move on.......

Well I don't see what the big deal is, if one person uses it then passes on the code to the next, because he is out $10 it is a big deal? Well according to you $10 is a small fee, so whats the big deal?

Again the stupidity of 2K users shows its ugly head. Let's try to follow along here and try to keep up. Say I own the editor and let's just say I'm stupid enough to want to help you out, which I'm not. And if I decide to sell you the registration code, how the hell are you going to buy it? Somehow you have to make a credit transaction on the internet so I can get my ten dollars off of you because I am not going to take an IOU off of someone like you. Never thought of that, didn't you? And if you say to me well, I can just mail you the ten dollars in a postal money order and then you would get the money at your house. And then I'd tell you that if you are willing to send me ten dollars in the mail why don't you get in touch with tywiggins, the guy who actually made this program and why don't you see if he lets you send the money to him instead of me? You see, that is what using your head is all about. Try it sometime. It can change your life.

And THAT'S the big deal.

Thanks, Y4L, and Jim for clear and concise reasons not to give this cheap b**tard the user id and password for the editor. The audacity of this chump and others like him astounds me. If you can't afford something, then save up for it.

I'm not being a cheap b**tard...I don't even really see why you should even have to pay for this in the first place, the editor for Madden 08 can do basically everything the in-game editor can do plus way way way more things, how much did it cost? Yeah you guessed it..$0.

I'm not being a cheap b**tard...I don't even really see why you should even have to pay for this in the first place, the editor for Madden 08 can do basically everything the in-game editor can do plus way way way more things, how much did it cost? Yeah you guessed it..$0.

Then go back and play Madden and get the hell out of here.

I'm not being a cheap b**tard...I don't even really see why you should even have to pay for this in the first place, the editor for Madden 08 can do basically everything the in-game editor can do plus way way way more things, how much did it cost? Yeah you guessed it..$0.

Just make one for 2k11 yourself if you don't want to pay. The reason it is not for free is that ty invested time in it and that he added extra features that weren't included in the in-game editor. It basically is an addon to the game and that's why he may charge for it.

I'm not being a cheap b**tard...I don't even really see why you should even have to pay for this in the first place, the editor for Madden 08 can do basically everything the in-game editor can do plus way way way more things, how much did it cost? Yeah you guessed it..$0.

Throwing a tantrum when you don't get your way... Yeah, that'll really help your cause.

I'm not being a cheap b**tard...I don't even really see why you should even have to pay for this in the first place, the editor for Madden 08 can do basically everything the in-game editor can do plus way way way more things, how much did it cost? Yeah you guessed it..$0.

What does the editor for Madden have to do with the editor for MLB 2K11? They are two different editors for two different games created by two different people. Just because the guy who created the Madden editor gives it away for free, doesn't mean that tywiggins has to. He created the 2K11 editor, so he can do whatever he wants. I don't understand why you feel you are entitled to get it for free.

If you don't want to pay, then don't pay. Create your own editor and then you can give it away for free. Or just go play Madden. Nobody really cares. Just please stop whining about this!

Joey, the bottom line is this ..... your generation understandably has an expectation to get free things, especially when it comes to intangible/digital property. You download movies, music, etc. alll for free. But you have to understand that someone spent many hours developing that product, even if you can't touch it. If someone else made a device or application that they are willing to give away, then maybe they have other motivations. But the bottom line is that you can consider that to be a bonus in your life, not something that sets the precedent for others' works and is a given. If you can't afford the editor because the conditions for it now are that it involves a fee, then, you don't get to have it.... unless you steal it, which is a whole different area.

I think part of it is that some of your generation needs to learn to do without no matter what it is. If you can't have it, then you can't have it. Do without until you can.

I remember this guy posting under the name "JoeKirby" asking for the exact same thing in the mlb 2k11 roster editor thread. The funny part is he got the exact same response. Also just a little info...Ty's roster editors unlock codes are linked to the registration number so I don't think it would even work for you if someone did sell it to you....On second thought ....want to buy mine?

I remember this guy posting under the name "JoeKirby" asking for the exact same thing in the mlb 2k11 roster editor thread. The funny part is he got the exact same response. Also just a little info...Ty's roster editors unlock codes are linked to the registration number so I don't think it would even work for you if someone did sell it to you....On second thought ....want to buy mine?

You know, I looked at the member lists and did see both a "JoeKirby" and a "Joey Kirby", but noticed that one registered from an IP address in Canada and the other from an IP address in Florida. I figured that the names being so close was a coincidence.

I then looked at the 2K11 Roster thread and did notice that "JoeKirby" stated that he was 14 years old and couldn't get the $10 for the 2K10 (yes, 2K10) editor. He wanted to get it for free since it was for a year-old game.

I then looked at the "JoeKirby" and "Joey Kirby" accounts a little closer using the Admin tools and found that they both logged in from a number of common IP addresses. Because he created two MVPMods accounts and because he is being a major pain in the butt, this guy has been booted off of MVPMods. We will no longer be subjected to his continued whining, asking for free roster editors. Needless to say, he will not be missed......

I then looked at the "JoeKirby" and "Joey Kirby" accounts a little closer using the Admin tools and found that they both logged in from a number of common IP addresses. Because he created two MVPMods accounts and because he is being a major pain in the butt, this guy has been booted off of MVPMods. We will no longer be subjected to his continued whining, asking for free roster editors. Needless to say, he will not be missed......

This is why you are loved around here Jim.

yeah as bsu says it wouldnt have done him any good to get a code from someone.I dont know how many times i had to bug ty for a new code because id have to format my comp and everytime i reinstalled the editor id need a new code ,so this kid was wasting his time asking for a code in the first place,if someone did give him a code hed probally come in bitchin that he was given a wrong code lolol

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