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Cyberfaces For Beginners


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Jed... I think with your trying to meet all these requests so quickly, you might be rushing your work as the last few don't seem as detailed and maybe as accurate as some you did a couple of weeks ago. Just my opinion.

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For me, Beachy and Pestana quite OK. I am looking to end the season as many players do. I know you are far from perfect but better than nothing. I do not have much time for them because I have commitments to their jobs so this is my maximum for now .... At the same time on different faces of players at the same time I'm practicing and getting better at least in this segment. But I am a beginner and it will take much time to pass until they improve their work. If you do not give up because of lack of time. I would prefer to Jogar and Homer are more active and more likely to have their works here. They are true masters. I am here just fills the time between their upload ........


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I didn't say you were stupid. I said "probably". Maybe it would help if you said what slots you are taking up. You have to be substituting for someone if you've run out of room. For example, Beachy does not have an official slot. So who's slot are you taking up? And what if later an updated official slot list comes out and yours don't match up? Or what if you took up a slot of a player who you thought was not in action, but returns to action?

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Right, but you're not saying what slots you are filling. So when the official list is updated, you're probably not going to match up. I'm not sure how past cyberface modders did it, but I'm pretty sure they indicated what slot to fill along with their release which jed is not doing.

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