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Someone claiming to have an early copy!


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well nike23, very good post.

what can i say, the people i know usually have some kind of bootleg copy. I guess i come from a land where pirates run wild.

thanks for the info though.

by the way, ea sports games are the only games i ever play or buy, oh except for halo for pc. bought that too.

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hahaha. That's me, too! I play two games all year - MVP and Madden

When it comes to video games, I love updating rosters. I don't know why. I spent a lot of time editing the historical rosters in NCAA 2005 and Madden 2004 (I hated how the classic teams were separate save files and I did not do them for 2005).


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well nike23, very good post.

what can i say, the people i know usually have some kind of bootleg copy. I guess i come from a land where pirates run wild.

thanks for the info though.

by the way, ea sports games are the only games i ever play or buy, oh except for halo for pc. bought that too.

Now days thats true fuzz, pirating is pretty rampant. Thanks for not taking my comment of "getting bent out of shape" the wrong way as i wasnt meaning it twards you it was just a "in general" statement and i probablly could have worded it better.

I hear ya on the EA Sports stuff i allways have all their sports games...best around imo. I give the others a rent but EA's gameplay combined with graphics cant be touched. I actually play some FPS games too (HL2 BF) and some racing games as well (i did like pappy's nascar games way better back when they made the game tho i wont lie hehe) but for some odd reason most of the games i enjoy come from EA lol.

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No, he says it's legit, gave his name and the place he works. It came into his place of business today, so he purchased it. Just thought I would pass the info on incase someone wanted to go over and read it. Thanks.

Listen, don't get overexcited......first of all, who cares if he has it or not ? By the time we've figured out if he really has it, the game will have been shipped anyway ;)

And second, if he has it, I hope he'll enjoy it, but it doesn't change a thing, cause the release date is today and it's the same anywhere you go. :)

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Not totally true fuzz. Ive beta tested for EA Sports and there is a program called "community leaders" which get selected and are sent the game upto a week early and give direct feedback and so on. Not everyone is a pirate. Ive had a few games early from EA but ive never went and bragged about it or anything, non of the community leaders do, but part of their primary reasons of getting the game early is to share info, screens, and thoughts on the game to other users on the fansites. Anyways some are liers and you can usually tell the ones, but its not allways someone who is a pirate or anything, and certainly not worth getting bent out of shape about.

I was a part of it last year, but not this year. Poo.

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man this fool even posted it at IGN Boards and look at just one of his posts he writes, My webcam is black and white. It's not exactly the newest technology on the block. Sorry. Man what a liar because most webcams are color and arent old enough to even do black and white


Haha, this guy is hilarious. Here's what he says about one of MVP 2005's new features...

There’s a ‘juice it up’ option within owner mode that has something to do with steroids obviously. It is part of the owner’s decisions as to whether or not to let his team do that, though I don’t think there’s much point to it. There’s no getting caught or receiving fines, and I haven’t noticed any better play on the field, though I have only played a few games after using that option.


Nice photoshop. :roll: :lol:

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